Considers herself an academic/activist or an activist/academic rejecting the dichotomy: University Professor in the Area of Arts and Humanities, graduated in Physics; Master degree studies in History and Philosophy of Science. She worked as Director of SIP Foundations, a Peace Research center, based in Zaragoza, Spain (2003-2018). Currently is the President of that foundation: CM was a member of Women in Black in Spain and of the Council of War Resisters' International. She has been Vice-president of AIPAZ (Spanish Research for Peace Association). In 2011, with a group of women founded the WILPF Spain section. She is project partner in "Women vote Peace"
100 Jahre Frauenwahlrecht, 100 Jahre Ende des 1. Weltkriegs – ein Grund zurückzuschauen und gleichzeitig den Blick nach vorne zu richten, wie Gerechtigkeit und Frieden umgesetzt werden können und welche Rolle die Frauen dabei spielen.
100 years of women's suffrage, 100 years after...
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