Chris Wright is International Ministries Director of the Langham Partnership International. Previously he taught at Union Biblical Seminary in India and was Academic Dean and then Principal of All Nations Christian College, UK. He travels widely, is married to Liz (also from Northern Ireland), and they live in London. His 30+ years of friendship with John Stott he describes as 'a delightful privilege for which I am immensely grateful to God'. He worked with several of the organizations that Stott founded, and was invited by him in 2001 to take over the leadership of the LPI (as John Stott Ministries).
Jesús nos envía al mundo de la misma manera que el Padre lo envió a él. Sin embargo, aun miles de años después, muchos cristianos todavía no se ponen de acuerdo que incluye esto. Algunos creen que el enfoque de la misión cristiana es evangelizar y «salvar almas». Otros enfatizan...
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