Dr. Eleonore Blaurock-Busch MSc, PhD published several books in German, English, and other languages, including textbooks on metal toxicology and diagnostics. She is a regular contributor and columnist to various journals, published hundreds of articles in various languages around the world, including research on Autism, Cancer and Chelation. She was instrumental in environmental and laboratory research projects in metal toxicology, including epidemiological studies that evaluated the toxic burden of people of various countries, including Nigeria, India and Egypt.
She organized and participated as keynote speaker in international meetings, received the IBCMT (International Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology) Award for Outstanding Service in 2005, has lectured worldwide at various universities and learning institutions, and was a guest speaker at radio and TV shows in the US, Germany and elsewhere.
She is a member of the British Society for Ecological Medicine and the European Academy for Environmental Medicine.
El Folleto 1 explica cómo se regula genéticamente la desintoxicación. En la actualidad, cerca del 50% de la población mundial carece de una importante enzima de desintoxicación, y puede tener otras que no funcionen debidamente. El folleto explica el sistema de desintoxicación. Cuando...
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