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Duncan Campbell - Libros y biografía

From 1986, both at university and during an earlier career in corporate finance, Duncan spent every Saturday working for a well-known silver dealer in Portobello Road. Since 1993 he has built up a specialist silver business based in Bath, south-west England, focusing on the more unusual areas, such as early, foreign and colonial, ecclesiastical and rare silver.

Duncan has produced silver catalogues and research for a wide variety of private clients and also for institutions, including The Worshipful Company of Armourers and Braziers, The City of Nottingham Museum, The Baltic Exchange, Lloyd's of London and The Bowes Museum. Since 2009 he has also been an expert on the BBC's Antiques Roadshow, one of his highlights having been the discovery of a silver spoon dating back to 1440.

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Patagonia Bravía

Publicado el 29 de mayo de 2018
8,41 €
IVA incluido
A fines de 1872, cuatro ingleses desembarcaron en la colonia chilena de Punta Arenas, en el Estrecho de Magallanes. Según dijeron, venían a cazar guanacos; otros decían que eran espías o buscadores de oro. Cuatro meses más tarde, en este lugar inhóspito permanecía solo el menor... Más información

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