Born in 1935, trained at Bosch from 1950. Subsequently, he worked for several years in the physical department of a large chemical company, where he was responsible for the construction and maintenance of measuring instruments for chemical process engineering.
After a corresponding technical college education, scientific-technical employee in the electronics department of the Research Centre Jülich from 1961 to 1994. Here development and construction of measuring instruments, as well as metrological planning and supervision of diploma theses and doctoral projects at the Institute for Reactor Components, later at the Institute for Energy Process Engineering.
1967 Acquisition of the amateur radio licence DC6IB. Amateur radio activity with focus on reception and measurement technology up to the UHF range. Since 1989 member of the GFGF; collection and analysis of radio communication devices, measuring instruments and literature of technical historical interest.
This book gives an insight into the long technical development of radio message receivers for commercial radio services and the amateur radio service over the period from 1929 to 1983, i.e. from the age of electron tube technology to the first proven phase of semiconductor technology....
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