Horace is an avid fan of underdogs, those who by accident of Devine Fate, build themselves to HERO status. Almost never does one who is dubbed HERO by peers, family, media, and the public at large, wake up one day planning their route of arriving to such distinguished recognition.
No barrier, physical or imaginary, can thwart one's journey to be someone worthy of the status of HEROIC, one who goes beyond just influencing on social media. This HERO is one of us, forged by the tongues of fire, raw material flaws and all, into a weapon of justice, a tool of respect, a defender of truth.
No one possesses the perfect package. Riddled with flaws, the brave amongst us whether they be firefighters, first responders, police, military, or just ordinary civilians, emerge from the barrels of raw Earth with no thoughts of celebrity status, monetary rewards, influencer appeal, or comfortable retirement. Each one of us is a candidate.
Horace asks that you stay tuned to his next blockbuster novel, part of a series that promises to change how one views mankind forever.