JAMES CLARKE is a freelance writer and lecturer. His books include
The Virgin Film Guide: War Films and
Movie Movements: Films that Changed the World of Cinema and he has contributed to
The Rough Guide to Film. He has worked extensively in community film-making and film education and several of his short film projects have played at national and international film festivals. He writes regularly for the magazines
3DArtist and
SciFi Now. His writing has also been published by
Resurgence and
Country Walking magazines. James has taught at a number of universities, including the Universities of Gloucestershire and Warwick. James is currently co-writing a feature-film screenplay.
El hombre pasa en promedio un tercio de su vida durmiendo. Pero dormir no significa cortar completamente los puentes con la realidad o "apagarnos", por el contrario, nuestro sueño es un fenómeno activo que cumple muchas funciones importantes en la conservación de nuestras funciones...
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