Liz Balmaseda (born January 17, 1959, Puerto Padre, Cuba) is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, a writer for The Palm Beach Post and a former columnist for The Miami Herald.She was awarded her first Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1993 for her writings on the plight of Haitian refugees and the Cuban-American population. She shared a second Pulitzer for breaking-news reporting in 2001, for the coverage of the federal raid to seize refugee Elián González.
Cinco noches por semana, María Elena Salinas presenta las noticias a millones de televidentes hispanos en todo el país. Pero cuando se apagan las cámaras, es como tantas otras mujeres, una esposa y una madre que lucha por encontrar un equilibrio entre su vida personal y su vida profesional....
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