Marty Seldman, Ph.D., is one of the country's most experienced executive coaches, having had in-depth, one-on-one assignments with over thirteen hundred top executives. His thirty-five-year career includes expertise in group dynamics, clinical psychology, training, and executive coaching. He is the author of Performance Without Pressure and Super Selling Through Self-Talk. Married with three children, he lives in Montclair, New Jersey
12 reglas para adueñarte de tu destino. Prólogo de Indra K. NooyiLas directivas de PepsiCo Latinoamérica, Paula Santilli y Mónica Bauer, y el coach de negocios Marty Seldman, nos enseñan las 12 reglas del poder para crecer al interior de una organización, lograr tu máximo potencial...
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