Trained as a physicist, Michael E. Long is coauthor of the international bestseller The Molecule of More, which has been translated into more than 20 languages. As a playwright, he’s had more than two dozen of his shows produced, most on New York stages. As a screenwriter, his honors include finalist for the grand prize in screenwriting at the Slamdance Film Festival. As a speechwriter, Mr. Long has written for members of Congress, US cabinet secretaries, presidential candidates, and Fortune 10 CEOs. A popular keynote speaker, Mr. Long has addressed audiences around the world, including at Oxford University. He teaches writing at Georgetown University, where he is a former director of writing. Mr. Long pursued undergraduate studies at Murray State University, and graduate studies at Vanderbilt University.
¿Por qué nos obsesionamos con las cosas que queremos y nos aburrimos cuando las conseguimos? ¿Por qué la adicción no es una cuestión moral? ¿Por qué el amor pasional se convierte tan rápidamente en desinterés? ¿Por qué casi todas las dietas fracasan? ¿Por qué vivimos pegados a las...
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