Michael Hofmann was born in 1957 in Freiburg, Germany, and came to England in 1961. He has published four volumes of poems and won a Cholmondeley Award and the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize for poetry. His translations have won many awards, including the
Independent's Foreign Fiction Award, the IMPAC Dublin Literary Award and the P.E.N./Book of the Month Club Translation Prize. His reviews and criticism are gathered in
Behind the Lines (2001).
Ashes for Breakfast
- his translations of the poetry of Durs Grunbein - appeared in 2005, and his
Selected Poems was published in 2008.
Nach den Ereignissen im Dezember 2010 und Januar 2011,
die zur Vertreibung des Diktators Ben Ali führten und den
Arabischen Frühling einleiteten, hat Tunesien eine komplexe und
widersprüchliche Entwicklung erlebt. Was aber als demokratische
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