Michael McCarthy was born and raised in Liverpool and has a continuing association with the city. He is the author of three non-fiction works in Politics and Political History. His most recent book 'Citizen of London', described by Simon Jenkins as 'A masterly London biography' is a detailed social and political account of medieval London's famous four times mayor, Richard Whittington. Cited as one of The Financial Times 'Books of the Week' February 2023, and the subject of a BBC History Extra Podcast. He has also written 'The House That Trust Built -William Brown and the Rise of Brown Shipley in 19th Century Liverpool' a short, commissioned history to mark the 200th anniversary of Brown's arrival in the city. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a member of the Liverpool History Society. The Mercury is his fiction debut and was sparked by a lifelong passion for his home city and by a chance purchase of an early issue of The Liverpool Mercury. Igniting a keen interest the newspaper's zeal for social reform and economic progress. Michael has a particular interest in the fine lines between fact and fiction. The rest, as they say, is history... and, of course, storytelling.
Esta obra describe las instituciones emergentes de la democracia participativa, analizando su relación con el sistema político, lo mismo que sus fines y objetivos. Se indaga en diversas preguntas: ¿se responsabiliza más a los gobiernos y a los funcionarios electos que a las elecciones?,...
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