Michael Walsh is the author of the bestselling Devlin novels—Hostile Intent, Early Warning and Shock Warning—as well as a being a journalist and screenwriter. His prequel/sequel to the movie Casablanca, As Times Goes By, was translated into at more than 20 languages. He won the ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for music criticism while at the San Francisco Examiner and went on to become the music critic for Time Magazine, and the writer of five popular books on classical music, musical theater and opera. His column for the National Review under the name of the taunting, ultra-liberal, wannabe screenwriter, "David Kahane" lead to his book Rules for Radical Conservatives, which was published in 2010. His forthcoming books include the next two Devlin novels and The Devil's Pleasure Palace, a work of political non-fiction.
En este viaje transcontinental pasaremos por África, Europa, Oceanía, y las Américas, conociendo situaciones lingüísticas de lo más diversas, en las cuales encontraremos lenguas que parecen haber caído en coma, otras que despiertan, o se refuerzan, se recrean y dinamizan en distintos...
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