Michel MICHEL is born in France and has a passion for ancient Egypt. He was born July 30, 1950 in Le Havre in Normandy and lives in Vernon in the same region.
He met several times the greatest personalities of French Egyptology such as Jacques Vandier, Jean-Philippe Lauer, Christianne Desroches-Noblecourt, Jean Leclant and Jean Yoyotte and some specialists of pyramids as Gilles Dormion, Jean-Patrice Goidin and Jean Kérisel.
He built many scale models for testing in order to make up its own opinion and also conducts scale experiments.
He is particularly interested in how to build the pyramids and to erect obelisks, two major mysteries for which he provides new solutions.
He studied the methods of levelling the orientation of the great monuments and transportation of heavy loads.
Mobilisé en août 1914, à 37 ans, l'historien Jules Isaac partagea la vie des fantassins pendant plus de trente mois sur l'Aisne, en Champagne, à Verdun, avant d'être blessé et évacué de son observatoire de la forêt de Hesse, au-dessus de Vauquois, à la fin juin 1917. Pendant toute...
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