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Mike Robinson - Libros y biografía


A writer since age six, Mike Robinson is the award-winning author of ten books, including the dark urban fantasy trilogy “The Enigma of Twilight Falls” (The Green-Eyed Monster; Negative Space; Waking Gods). His short fiction has appeared in over twenty outlets, and he has sold work to Amazon Audible. He's received honors from Writers of the Future, Publishers Weekly's BookLife Prize, the Maxy Awards, the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards, and more. A native of Los Angeles, he is a charter member of The Greater Los Angeles Writers Society (GLAWS), a freelance book editor and book coach, as well as an active screenwriter and producer. A short sci-fi thriller he co-wrote, Chrysaline, is on ThinkShorts and making the film festival rounds.


My initial editing experience came in the swarms of prose I pumped out into the world, only occasionally into the world of actual magazines, anthologies or e-zines. Soon, as I began selling more regularly, and as publishers took note of my longer works, I began freelance editing.

In the past eight years, I’ve edited screenplays, memoirs, novels, children’s books and, would you believe it, epic narrative poetry. One of the novels I edited, Under the Tamarind Tree, was shortlisted among nine others for the 2014 Dundee International Book Prize. A charter member of The Greater Los Angeles Writers Society (GLAWS), I am also the managing editor of the organization’s official publication, Literary Landscapes, which features stories, excerpts, articles and poetry (see issues here). In addition, I belong to the editing collective Write For Success, for which I perform manuscript critiques and consultation.

Enigma of Twilight Falls

Underland Arcana

Underland Arcana Decks

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Publicado el 3 de marzo de 2017
9,99 €
IVA incluido
Emprender no es nada fácil pero tampoco imposible, puede que hayas intentado y fracasado, o puede que no , que es aún peor. El miedo a lo desconocido y temor hacia el fracaso es lo que nos retiene, sin embargo es en el miedo donde radica la esencia de emprender. El filósofo indio... Más información

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