Dr Noel Collins is an older adult psychiatrist serving GP practices based in Haringey, London. Much of his community work relates to diagnosing memory problems and delivering appropriate treatment for patients with dementia. He works closely with local GPs, his team, social services and the Alzheimer's Society to achieve this. He also has a special interest in the use of cognitive behavioural psychotherapy (CBT) and mindfulness in older adults. He contributes to strategy work both nationally as an executive member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Old Age Psychiatry faculty, and locally.
The 'D' Word starts with the premise that Dementia is here to stay - a simple cure is not going to be found that will make it a condition of the past. As such it is a social problem, not a medical one. We have to learn to live with Dementia and, as it will affect nearly all of us...
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