Oleksandr Mykhed is a writer. Until March 2022, he lived in Kyiv; he is now enlisted in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He is the author of nine books; selected essays and excerpts from his books have been translated into ten languages. He has participated in literary residencies in Finland, Latvia, Iceland, the USA and France, and a virtual residency at Oxford University. He has written for publications including The Financial Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and The Guardian, and has appeared as a guest on CNN and NPR. He is a member of PEN Ukraine.
Le 24 février 2022, quand l’armée russe a envahi l’Ukraine, la stupeur et la tristesse ont saisi le monde entier. Ont commencé à affluer dans nos médias des noms qui, jusqu’ici, ne nous étaient guère familiers, teintés de la couleur des combats et de la tragédie : Boutcha, Marioupol,...
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