As a young woman, I was eager to get out of my Finnish forests and into the big world and after a short period in USA I ended up, quite spontaneously, traveling with an older brother, in Colombia. I always wanted to write and kept notebooks and diaries, but I was too busy with my school and studies, raising my kids, working full time and was putting off my writing all the time, until now, two countries and a lifetime later, children all grown up and I realized that I was running out of time to write those books I had intended to.
Lempeät tuulet Tyyneltä mereltä (Gentle Winds From The Pacific Ocean) was my first, published in 2018 and this is a slightly modified translation, so that my own kids and grandchildren and all my family and friends across the waters can read it too.
Riikinkukon siiven alla-kokoelman novellit muodostavat jatkokertomuksen, jossa anonyymin sosiaalisen median keskustelukulttuurin luomat jännitteet purkautuvat vaarallisiksi sivuraiteiksi "oikeaan" elämään. Kertomus alkaa keskustelupalstoilta, levittäytyy Suomen kesään, Itämeren risteilylle...
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