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Sona Charaipotra - Libros y biografía

Sona Charaipotra is the author of Symptoms of a Heartbreak and How Maya Got Fierce and coauthor of The Rumor Game and Tiny Pretty Things, now a Netflix original series. She earned a master’s degree in screenwriting from NYU and an MFA in creative writing from the New School. A working journalist, Sona has held editorial roles at PeopleTeenPeople,, MSN, several parenting publications, the Barnes & Noble Teen Blog (RIP), and, most recently, as senior editor of trends and features at She has contributed to publications from the New York Times to TeenVogue. She is a former We Need Diverse Books board member, and she cofounded CAKE Literary, a boutique book packager focused on high-concept diverse titles. Find her on the web talking about books, Bollywood movies, and chai. 

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Cuando cada bailarina es amiga y rival, ellas sacrifican, manipulan y hacen lo que sea para llegar a ser las mejores.El libro en que se basa la serie de Netflix.June, Bette y Gigi lo han sacrificado todo para ser alumnas de la escuela de ballet más prestigiosa de Manhattan. Ahora... Más información

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