Dr. Stefan L. P. Wolf was born in Dillingen a. d. Donau in 1987, studied Nano Science in Konstanz, Germany and Valencia, Spain and acquired a doctorate in Physical Chemistry at the University of Konstanz. In 2017 he started his business career as Manager in R&D and Transformation Consultant. Inspired by Neuroscience he realized the hidden complexity of interactions among experts, team members, managers and peers in organizations, that almost inevitably lead to misunderstandings and failure. Since then he dedicates his work to lead teams to self-organization and create valuable collaboration at interfaces. You can contact him via stefan@slp-wolf.com.
Teams change constantly. They unfold in phases. These are not always easy to detect. Therefore, we offer you an advanced model of teamphases. Goal and purpose is to unfold teams to the stage of self-organization and to overcome old hierarchical leadership models. This is your action...
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