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Thomas Dekker - Libros y biografía

Thomas Dekker is a Dutch former professional cyclist whose talent on the bike quickly took him to the top of the sport. He raced for The Netherlands in the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, won two Dutch National Time Trial Championships, and captured victories in the 2006 Tirreno-Adriatico and the 2007 Tour of Romandie. He rode for the Dutch Rabobank superteam and then Silence-Lotto before a retroactively tested sample returned positive for EPO. In 2009, Dekker was suspended for two years for the drug violation, and it was later confirmed during Operaction Puerto that Dekker was among the clients of Spanish doctor Eufemiano Fuentes. After his suspension, Dekker joined the American Garmin Development Team and rode for Garmin-Barracuda from 2012-2014. Dekker claims to have ridden clean for Jonathan Vaughters and he became a popular rider in the American peloton. He retired after an attempt on the World Hour Record in 2015.

Harvard Classics

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Thomas Dekker

Publicado el 9 de mayo de 2018
9,99 €
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"Tras un cuarto de hora, el doctor Fuentes se levanta de la silla. Me saca la aguja del brazo y me limpia la sangre con un algodón. Me da un marcador y me dice, con un fuerte acento: — I give you number. Twentyfour. Two four. You must write here" Así comienza Mi lucha, la premiada... Más información

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