A narrator and her dog are criss-crossing the Swiss Alps. She travels with friends who share her interest in food, languages and their topographical contexts. They collect colours, even look for colourlessness,...
"La nuit, avant de m’endormir, je tâtais ma poitrine, à la recherche de mon cœur, mais je n’y trouvais jamais rien." Leila est réceptionniste au Swan Motel, dans une petite ville du Michigan. À vingt-quatre...
Swoon worthy Regency lords and the women who love them.Books 7-9 of the Landing a Lord series. THE BARON'S RETURNLANDING A LORD ~ BOOK 7Baron Cranston's offer of a marriage of convenience could give the...
Après s’être sacrifiée pour sauver ceux qu’elle aime, Maliya doit composer avec sa nouvelle vie en Enfer. À sa grande surprise, Samaël, son ex devenu le roi des lieux, lui dévoile une nouvelle facette...
Samuel Edhren se pense comblé par sa vie. À trente-deux ans, il est le gérant de sa propre société, sort depuis cinq ans avec un homme qui a les mêmes ambitions que lui, a une famille aimante et présente…...
In this Adventure DERIVED FROM THE SAGA THE MAGIC WORLD OF ANNA SOPHIA'S tells the story of Captain Henry Smook and his dog Immediate, a young citizen of Colchester England who decides to move to the...
Astro and his family live on the moon! Be a cool space explorer too and experience with him and his friends exciting and funny adventures at the Lunar Station. EPISODE 4: ERIK STONE Astro's wish to learn...
Astro and his family live on the moon! Be a cool space explorer too and experience with him and his friends exciting and funny adventures at the Lunar Station. EPISODE 7: LUNAR SNEEZE The mystery of...
Astro and his family live on the moon! Be a cool space explorer too and experience exciting and funny adventures with him and his friends at the Lunar Station. EPISODE 10: THE MOON FESTIVAL (2) The...
This collection includes stories 1-8 of the Crimzon & Clover short story series, by M. R. MathiasTwo bonus stories are included. The First Dragoneer (from the author's The Dragoneer Saga) & The...
A young man finds himself hemmed in on his regular morning commute...a commute that becomes a little too regular.A hedonistic night of sex and drugs has unexpected - and unwanted - consequences.A down...
This illustrated novella is about an evangelist of India named Mocha, who tells his life story, how he went from faith in Christ as a boy to becoming a teenager with flaming Communist ideas, putting him...
A young boy is kept in isolation in the cellar of his parents' house. His only contact with the outside world being with his mother, he yearns for change.A girl who spends her evenings inventing an entire...
"Hell, I'll tell you what Hell is. It's doing the thing that you love over and over again, for all eternity, until that thing you love becomes something that you hate."A pair of evangelical ministers...
A lawless frontier . . . Ambitious men and women . . . How to address conflict? In a time and place where everyone had to protect their own interests, and where everyone had the means, it was far too...
Matthew Locke lives in a place that he has hated for far too long. A sprawling, violent, dirty city where no one cares, and most people would sooner beat you to a pulp as look at you. He exists day to...
There are stories in the city, many stories. Stories of life and death, of joy and misery, of people.Frank Popper knows the stories, the secrets of the city, the things to which most people prefer to...
Se a Iria lle dixesen que ía ver un unicornio de verdade, non o crería; e se lle falasen dos seres mitolóxicos que estaba a piques de coñecer (olláparos, demos, xacias) pensaría que se burlaban dela....
Cando espertou, a nena do pixama estrelado decatouse de que non podía mover as pernas. Calquera outra, na súa situación, asustaríase, mais a nena do pixama estrelado non se asustou, non gritou, non se...
I Premio María Victoria Moreno de Literatura Xuvenil Premio da Gala do Libro 2019 á mellor obra xuvenil Obra incluída na Lista de Honra IBBY 2022 1933. Aos seus trece anos, Suso é obrigado a pasar o verán...
Logo de que o Supremo Alcalde Maior decrete o confinamento dos habitantes do Centro Comercial no interior das súas vivendas por mor da aparición dun maléfico virus sobre o que non se dá nin a máis mínima...
The Amnesia DeceptionPsychological ThrillerDr Ingrid Nyström wakes in an unfamiliar bed. The air is too clean. The man beside her knows her name—but she has never seen him before.Her medical records list...
A yacht, a murder, and a sprinkle of intrigue…A sunny day on the water turns deadly when a fast food mogul meets a bitter end on his yacht. Once again, the case hits close to home for Anna when Sonja's...
Orlando, de Virginia Woolf, é um romance que desafia o gênero e acompanha a vida de Orlando, um poeta que misteriosamente se transforma de homem em mulher e vive por mais de três séculos. Abrangendo a...
Au cœur de l'Asie dynamique, où l'ancien et le moderne se côtoient dans une harmonie complexe, se trouve Hong Kong, une ville qui incarne la quintessence de l'interculturalisme. C'est ici, dans ce paysage...
The title "Ill at Ease" alludes to the army term "stand at ease", about his National Army Service (South African National Defense Force) and his life in general as well as the undercurrent of uneasiness...
In a realm ravaged by bloodlust and tyranny, one man's thirst for vengeance ignites a maelstrom of chaos and rebellion. Eadwold, a young warrior fueled by unyielding rage and a hunger for justice, embarks...
Este é um conto dos anos oitenta do século passado, no tempo em que a grande maioria das pessoas em Portugal se transportava de motorizada. Trata-se de uma noturna saída da juventude masculina, em grupo,...
REGOLA DEL BRANCO #7: I SEGRETI DEL BRANCO VANNO CUSTODITIDovrei cancellarle la memoria, non rivendicarmela.La ragazza di mio figlio sa troppe cose. La regola più importante del branco è stata infranta:...
Join Charlie the Squirrel in Charlie the Squirrel's Big Barbecue Bash—a heartwarming story about friendship, teamwork, and delicious fun in Oakwood Forest! Charlie feels lonely after moving to a new tree,...
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