In the small, charming and affluent town of Luxe Noir, Mayor Nengi Touré has one primary goal—making the Luxe Christmas Market a resounding success. With her re-election looming in the background, the...
Claudia Drake's family comprises only her maternal grandparents and a granduncle. Now they've all been kidnapped. An event she saw in a vision. The first of her newly discovered fairy talent. The local...
When James offers to babysit his cousin's three daughters, he expects the evening will bring nothing more stressful than a fussy baby and sibling spats. But a scary story that ends up being a bit more...
The location looks like the perfect spot for their new bakery…right up until their landlord is shot dead in their kitchen. Cupcake truck owner Isabel Addington and her business partner, Claire, have finally...
For the town of Reverence Ridge, Tennessee, Christmas isn't just a day, it's a lifestyle. Each short story follows a different resident as this sleepy Smoky Mountain town comes alive for the month of...
Love that delicious shiver you get with a good old fashioned ghost story? The sort they used to tell around a blazing fire on a winter's night? You don't have to go back hundreds of years to find it....
Lines will be crossed, love will be tested, and secrets will be revealed in the breathtaking conclusion to the Three Wishes series. One thing stands between Ceana and Gavran and freedom from the cursed...
He's a cowboy turned security specialist, haunted by the past.Ten years ago, Calvin Beckett left Sabrina Holloway at the altar, disappearing without explanation. Blackmailed by his father to abandon Sabrina...
With their patriarch gone, the Moore family is as fractured as ever, and the future of both the family business and their beloved home hangs in the balance. After months of stonewalling, everyone gathers...
Fate is a fickle witch… I'm running a coven and trying to break a curse so we can stop the fabric of reality from unraveling around us…and I am screwing it up every chance I get. I don't have time for...
Taking chances is what Alexander lives for – especially when it comes to love.Alexander's a man of uncommonly happy disposition. His luck always holds true, and he takes chances with cheerful abandon....
Laura n'avait jamais imaginé qu'elle serait contrainte à un mariage de substitution, mais la trahison de sa sœur l'a placée sous le joug du chantage de son père. Pour sauver sa famille et protéger son...
Valerian perdeu sua mãe ao nascer, e sua família sempre a desprezou por isso. A única pessoa que a tratava com gentileza era o príncipe herdeiro, a quem ela estava prometida. No entanto, tudo mudou com...
Elizabeth trabalha como assistente executiva de Alexander, o CEO de uma grande empresa. Ele é um homem atraente e bem-sucedido, tudo o que qualquer mulher poderia desejar. Elizabeth e Alexander mantinham...
Maya ainda era uma criança quando seu pai, em uma tentativa desesperada de quitar uma dívida, a vendeu para Rafael, um homem poderoso e implacável, com a promessa de que ela se casaria com ele ao atingir...
Driving home for the holidays, Jamie Phipps can't believe his car has broken down only four hours from the finish line. At least he finds distraction in the arms of a gorgeous older man. When they part...
Time's up.All the stalling, all the distractions, all the negotiations, bargaining, and pleas for mercy. Done. There is only one thing left for Julianna, to move in for the kill and fulfill her mission...
What do you do when an elf is murdered and Santa is the prime suspect? Cammie has two goals, enjoy the holiday season despite her family and give back to the town as much as possible. But when an elf...
1000 Missing. A Missing Blood Sister. A Quest To Find The Truth.When Sister Superior Scarlett Evans travels to the abandoned Monastery of Sanctuary 101, she investigates the disappearance of 1000 Sisters.She...
The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but Regina Wright's world is unraveling.A split with her business partner just as the festive rush begins, leaves her drowning in the pressures of...
When her village faces a winter of starvation, Sita draws the shortest straw. Now she's to be given to the orcs across the river in exchange for food and supplies so her family can survive. Given the...
Kana et Koshigaya sont envoyées en mission dans un quartier commerçant, pour y éliminer les monstres qui se sont infiltrés partout.Privilégiant l’efficacité, Kana propose de déployer une technique de...
He was a nameless drunk, forgotten and ignored. Then the star creatures came. Infinitely recombining, seemingly indestructible, the creatures brought answers to every problem. They promised perfection,...
Christmas is all about surprises. But I never foresaw having a baby with my ex… Iris Galleto moved to Seattle less than a year ago and never gave me or our relationship a second thought. Why should I...
« Tu vas finir par tout savoir sur le fonctionnement de ce monde… Tu découvriras aussi ce que renferment nos cœurs ainsi que ce qui change le monde, à savoir la profondeur de l’amour. »Des shamans qui...
After moving into a crumbling Victorian mansion in the quiet countryside, journalist Liara seeks inspiration for her next big article. While cleaning out the attic, she stumbles upon an old, dusty journal...
Clara and Lucien, once bound by a family curse of betrayal and loss, overcome centuries of heartache through love and forgiveness. As they break the curse that tied their families together, their love...
Laura hätte nie gedacht, dass sie zu einer Ersatzheirat gezwungen werden würde, doch der Verrat ihrer Schwester brachte sie unter die Erpressung ihres Vaters. Um ihre Familie zu retten und ihre Zukunft...
Sie sagte, sie sei schwanger, doch er zweifelte an ihrer Treue, da er glaubte, keine Kinder zeugen zu können. Davon überzeugt, dass sie die Wahrheit sagte, reichte Kate ihm die Scheidungspapiere und zog...
Lorenzo perdeu tudo por causa de sua esposa ambiciosa, que não apenas o abandonou para ficar com seu amante e levou sua filha, mas também o fez ser preso.Por dois anos, seu único desejo foi sair da prisão...
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