New Orleans is a compelling, intriguing city filled with mystery — seen and unseen. Join the psychic Breslin family as they explore and battle elements of the supernatural within this mystical city in...
In the gritty streets of Daybridge, an ancient evil stirs. When a string of grisly grave robberies leads Detective Ethan Reeves and his partner Alice Chen to uncover a necromancer's plot, they find themselves...
As a young woman and the director of a large museum, imagine experiencing strange dreams of an old woman urging you to retrieve the "sacred dowry." Initially skeptical, you dismiss these dreams, but they...
Tundé Adeyemi is just another British Nigerian teenager in a dystopian, poverty-stricken London, struggling with school bullies and the harsh realities of his family's living conditions. But when a chain...
Jane Eyre is the story of a young, orphaned girl (shockingly, shes named Jane Eyre) who lives with her aunt and cousins, the Reeds, at Gateshead Hall. Like all nineteenth-century orphans, her situation...
With a great battle that nearly destroyed everything, one must seek help in order to restore the lands and bring a stop to the endless chaos and war of Altoria. Nothing comes easy when the enemies, with...
The dark-skinned child, Mabsout, was born into a white-skinned family in a village on the outskirts of the city. Since he was a child, his laughter echoed throughout the village, loved by everyone, including...
From the battlefield to the bedroom, these three soldiers are about to fight the toughest battles of their lives - or love.These hot military men are ready to risk it all for the women they can't live...
The Orphan of Samarkand by Jack Railly HerndonIn the vibrant, bustling city of Samarkand, young orphan Jalal al-Din survives by his wits, stealing what he can to fill his empty stomach. His life takes...
Voyage Throughout Planet Guoke is a novel inspired by the real-life experiences of Zhang XiangQian. While the characters and events within these pages are fictional, the portrayal of Guoke Planet and...
In the heart of an ancient forest, young Sophia, a five-year-old witch with a golden wand and a curious heart, discovers the magic of creation when she brings a pumpkin named Poppy to life. Together with...
In "Charged Iron," the latest gripping addition to the Cache Iron Mystery series, intrigue unfolds when a renowned technology mogul, Benjamin Bradford, is found dead. His passing, seemingly from natural...
Are We Alone in the Universe? This science fiction is written based on the real and existing quest of science. The short description here under is highlighting as follows. Returning to Earth, Eureka's...
When two worlds collide, an extraordinary friendship changes the fate of both.Kara is just an ordinary girl, living in a sleepy town and longing for adventure. But her life takes a breathtaking turn when...
The Darkest Midnight in December - edited by Storm ConstantineGhost Stories for the Winter Season The ghost story is a Christmas tradition; shadows looming over the brightly-lit tree in a room where logs...
Welcome to the Salt Mine, the secret organization that monitors and manages supernatural activity from its headquarters in the deep mineral deposits underneath Detroit, Michigan, USA. When magic is real,...
In the dark, treacherous tunnels of Gemtun Mining Corporation's asteroid facility, life is built on trust—and betrayal is a death sentence. Dash, a seasoned miner with a reputation for unshakable resolve,...
I invite you to dive into this amazing story, one that is sure to captivate you with its intriguing plot and compelling characters. Without further ado, I'll leave you to explore and enjoy it just as...
Ebbie Catherine Sullivan is a daring and more than inquisitive twelve year old girl when she sits on her front porch swing writing letters to the world with her little hound dog Blue by her side. The...
In the mesmerizing sequel to the CastleRock trilogy and Menehune, Gene and Sarah's love story takes a breathtaking turn. Believing Gene lost forever in a tragic fishing accident, Sarah channels her grief...
The Blood of Roses Volume 1: Mechail, Anillia - Tanith Lee In a rich, complex epic set in a grim fantasy world, Tanith Lee explores in her distinctive style the excesses of religion as well as the dark...
The Blood of Roses Volume 2: Jun, Eujasia, Mechailus - Tanith Lee Against the backdrop of a savage world, in which the bloody religion of the Christerium holds power, strange creatures have formed and...
This issue explores love through a prismatic lens in works of science fiction, fantasy, even horror. "Our Better Angels" asks what it means to be human, and you will be surprised at the answers each author...
Dark in the Day - edited by Storm Constantine & Paul Houghton In the blink of an eye, around the corner, The Weird is everywhere. It's in the bird that turns out to be a fluttering newspaper, that...
After a tragic event changes Teo's life forever, the seven-year-old and his mother decide to visit the psychiatric institution that played a significant role in their past. In search of answers and closure,...
The Tenth Book in The Network Series Never Underestimate the Power of an Unpredictable WitchThe Sisterhood is under intense scrutiny, which means Bianca and Leda are feeling the pressure to organize themselves. When...
In the quaint town of Hickory Hollow, this Christmas season brings more than twinkling lights and festive cheer—it brings matchmaking ghosts, unexpected romance, and a chance at new beginnings.When baker...
Two high school sweethearts—one cisgender, one transgender, both men— find each other again in adulthood and have a second chance at love, but one of them doesn't know they've been in love before.Tabby,...
Empires collide and loyalties are tested in this galaxy-spanning, action-packed science fiction novel set in the expansive universe of Twilight Imperium.Akenzi, a shrewd Hacan trader, has Gamma Eridius...
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