Ted has lost everything including himself. He leaves a suicide note behind in his bankrupt coffee shop and is about to end his life when he encounters the spirit of his antagonist, a man who is on the...
Shattered Dreams is a journey taken by a woman and her family during a period of extreme hardship in Zimbabwe. As the country, her home, began to fall apart at the seams, there were two choices: stay...
The Love Collection Volume one - Barbara Cartland 4 books for the price of 1 - Welcome to the timeless love stories of Romance legend Barbara Cartland. Anthology containing: Elizabethan Lover The Little...
Baby Anna is finally here. Mina takes Anna with her on her journey of discovery. But Anna also has her first little adventures of her own. So mom and dad have twice the fun and exercise. Funny short stories...
Naum, the three-legged wolf, lived in Brandenburg in the early 2000s, first in the wild near Eisenhüttenstadt, then later in the Schorfheide Zoo. No one knows how he lost his leg. This fairy tale finally...
What moves the residents of Linz, what worries them, who do they love? This book is a once-in-a-lifetime insight into the mind of Linz. It brings people of all ages, genders, colors, sexualities and backgrounds...
This book in Lingala-English teaches you the words used in Congo-DRC to call each member of the family. In the future, you will follow the story of each member of our family, our friends, visits some...
Beautifully illustrated poems about being deceived, broken trust, and manipulation to dealing with anxiety, loneliness, and pain. Discovering your bravery and strength through the journey of learning,...
Bist du bereit für eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt der Liebe, des Herzschmerzes und der Transformation? Dann ist "Tiny thoughts" das Buch für dich! Diese Sammlung von kurzen, tiefgründigen Gedichten...
Twin sisters Emily and Elisa live with their parents on a farm. One evening, when they can't fall asleep, they sneak into the horse stable and find out by accident that the cheeky stallion Eddy, is actually...
Spin-off episode of the entire oeuvre. This short story describes the encounter of a huntress and a hunted, two mothers, with a fateful ending. As a bonus, the enclosure shows concepts, thoughts of the...
Doodle Pip is thrilled when an accidental act of magic brings him to life on little Nina's living room window. But it doesn't take him long to realize that he is out there, all alone. Will Pip find friends...
Ellie and Victoria Bitten by magic, is a Lgbtq, graphic novel about a self taught witch and a fruit eating vampire falling in love and going on adventure. the story is built as a ''slice of life'' sitcom,...
Snifflemonstersnuffles - or how to tickle a Coronavirus The teeny tiny snifflemonster Snuffles is terribly bored and decides to visit humans. It is especially fascinated by noses and decides to get comfortable...
"Some books don't age, or age slowly. This book of poems was first offered more than two decades ago to a critic and scholar as a book about the Twentieth Century. He disliked it and called it mere "rant."...
All Super Heroes need a monster to fight, or a monstrous sidekick to help them. Some are even monsters themselves. This comprehensive field e-guide to Marvel flora, fauna, and beasts great and small shows...
The objects that surround us are so much a part of our daily lives that we often forget they have not always been around.
They run, jump, crawl, skate or climb. On land, under the ground, on the water, in the water, in the air or in the trees, they display incredible dexterity and ingenuity. Some of them travel 35,000 kilometers...
What can the Siberian tiger, the army ant, the white pelican, the blue whale and the koala bear possibly have in common? Not their size or strength, of course, but their need for food. And whether they...
A little tune for some, a colorful mask for others. Plays for women only and funny-face contests for mature males. These are not part of a carnival of animals, but rather genuine means of communication....
How do animals seduce each other? How are baby animals conceived? What do they look like when they’re born? These are just some of the questions answered in the colorful and fascinating pages of this...
• A one-of-a-kind treasure hunt • An exhilarating adventure that lets you decide which way to go • An encyclopedia that reads like an adventure novel • An amazing time machine • A world of knowledge...
Los relatos agrupados bajo el título Si yo fuera un hombre, componen un puñado del mejor exponente del trabajo y la idea que mantuvo la vida de Charlotte P. Gilman: preocupación por la situación de las...
José Gregorio is a teenager affected by Down Syndrome who beleives he is an eagle. His greatest illusion is to become part of a mischievous gang where his sister belongs. They reject him and are always...
The explosion was extremely violent. I saw a flash and was blown off my feet. All around me, it was raining stones and sand, a cloud of dust and smoke. Immediately after the explosion, total silence....
This book is a meeting point so as to solve doubts and fears, to receive orientation during a pleasant conversation from humor and love. I’m going to talk about angels, the spirit and spirits. Believe...
Eugene Kachnarsky grips your full attention by flinging widely open a few of the infinite portals of perception and awareness to consider why we feel the things we do, as he takes a "kid's-eye-view" look...
Considerado desde su revalorización en el siglo XX por poetas de la importancia de T. S. Eliot o William Butler Yeats como una de las máximas figuras de la poesía en lengua inglesa, John Donne (1572-1631)...
Conocido sobre todo por sus impresionantes cuentos que abrieron la senda de los géneros de terror, científico y policiaco, así como por la "Narración de Arthur Gordon Pym", Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1847)...
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