Keiichi, 17 ans, retourne à Kyoto, sa région natale, séjourner chez sa grand-mère. Tandis qu'il se promène dans la montagne, il croise le chemin de Saki, qui puise de l'eau dans un étang avec son parapluie....
A Festive season like no other is coming to Featherwood Falls.The weather is warming and Ginny prepares for a happy, healthy and trouble-free festive season on the farm. Francene seeks a return to her...
Η Πάολα είναι μια δασκάλα νηπιαγωγείου που δεν μπορεί να κάνει παιδιά και μαζί με τον σύζυγό της υιοθετούν τον Ντανιέλ, ένα κοκκινομάλλικο μωρό· μετά από κάποια χρόνια εισβάλλει σ' αυτό το ειδυλλιακό...
On acaba la realitat i comença la màgia? On està el límit entre la bondat i la perversió més abjecta? Com pot ser un dia lluminós i l'endemà enfosquir-se tant fins a glaçar el cor? O com explicar el pas...
Versailles. Juillet 2000. Trois amies d'enfance, Capucine, Emma et Louise, se retrouvent dans un bar pour fêter les résultats de leur baccalauréat. Autour d'une bière, elles font un pacte : avoir un...
Lorsque Cyril, Anthéa, Robert, Jane et Biquet décident d’aller jouer dans la sablière près de leur nouvelle maison, la dernière chose qu’ils s’attendent à trouver est... une fée ! En tout cas, c’est ainsi...
La victime gisait sur le sol. Sa tête avait heurté le coin d'un bureau situé sous une mezzanine. Sa jambe était repliée d'une étrange manière, et du sang avait coulé de sa bouche et de ses oreilles. Près...
Herod (Ordos), king of ancient Judaea, the eastern provincia of the Roman Empire, was born in 73 BC and died in 4 BC. Herod was a loyal vassal of the emperors, but he also loved his people. He believed...
Versailles. Juillet 2000. Trois amies d'enfance, Capucine, Emma et Louise, se retrouvent dans un bar pour fêter les résultats de leur baccalauréat. Autour d'une bière, elles font un pacte : avoir un enfant...
One night in New York, William Peterson had a peculiar dream that initiated a quest rife with intrigue and peril. In their pursuits in Amsterdam and Copenhagen, he and Ava Thompson relentlessly sought...
Despite the bustling and noisy city, there are numerous mysterious forces and unknown dangers lurking in the shadows. The destinies of Gabriel, Fang Zhou, Professor Thompson and others are inextricably...
In the 1920s, Rocky Mountain National Park is brand new, yet there's already a feud going on between tour bus drivers and independent guides. One guide is found shot to death, but no one saw a gun. No...
The moment I lay eyes on Eve, she knocks the breath right out of me.She's all soft curves, funny quips, and an easy laugh that makes me feel alive in a way I haven't in years. I can't shake the way I...
Hella sai em busca dos seus sonhos depois de algum tempo estagnada em um trabalho no qual não via futuro. Quando uma oportunidade de viajar para os EUA lhe é apresentada, ela passa por cima dos seus medos...
"Enquanto eu falava Aslan foi se aproximando lentamente e seus olhos refletiam a majestade das montanhas. De uma natureza que sabe reconhecer suas forças. Uma atração que não permite resistência". Em A...
Sense feina, acabada de divorciar i amb la mort del seu pare encara recent, la Gris es troba, amb quaranta anys, amb una vida a la deriva i que cada cop sent menys seva. Des de fa temps...
When the evil forces of the Alien Space Nazis threaten the galaxy, there's only one man smart enough, tough enough, and sassy enough to defeat them! Lars Janssen! Whether it's escaping from a Nazi KillMoon...
Когда магия пробуждается, реальность рассыпается на ледяные осколки.Ева всегда считала себя обычной девушкой, пока трагедия не раскрыла её истинную сущность — магию льда, сокрытую на протяжении всей её...
An only child of Anglo-French descent, young James Bretherton has known a life of privilege; well-educated and mild mannered, his path is filled with promise. But when James suddenly finds himself orphaned...
"Even you move away, can't never leave Georgia. Can't untangle them roots." Nearly two decades ago, Susan "Pea" Butler left her home and family for New York. Now, she has been called back with dreadful...
Quirky bisexual Madelyn Begay loves to empower the people around Podunk, OR, to enjoy active, physical connections, especially with the one-of-a-kind classes she teaches at her Nana's erotic toy boutique....
This is the third volume in this highly praised series (the first won the World Fantasy Award). Previous works have been praised for their eclectic mix of stories, offering a panorama of themes and styles....
Franz Kafka redigiu esta novela em uma única noite entre 1923 e 1924, seis meses antes de morrer. Nela, o narrador-protagonista, uma criatura anônima, dedica-se obsessivamente à criação e manutenção de...
Fear. Terror. Horror. Though we all share those emotions, the form of what scares us, terrifies us, gives us nightmares, and defines us, differs from person to person. Some have snakes for pets; others...
"Bússola Familiar" oferece uma orientação clara e acolhedora para os desafios da parentalidade moderna. Em um cenário onde pais e mães frequentemente se sentem perdidos entre tantas informações e julgamentos,...
Second generation con woman and all-around thief Remi Wilde joined the Hundred Halls—the world's only magical university—in hopes of learning the right spells to pull off a dangerous heist. But rather...
Nera.Tijdens een bloedige nacht, bracht het lot ons samen.Ik dacht dat ik het leven redde van een onschuldige man.Een man die ik nooit meer zou zien.Ik had het mis. Er was een lichte verschuiving in de...
Where Myth Meets History and Love Knows No Boundaries.'The Coming of the Yirraalii' blurs Myth and history together to create this gripping tale about two lovers, Balagaan and Gawngan, who are caught...
When bombs fall on Pearl Harbor, the trajectory of Faye Baxter's midwestern life takes an unexpected detour. Her fiancé Steve Connor enlists in the Army, and Faye follows him to California for a spur-of-the-moment...
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