Um sich zu retten, muss sie sich einem Mann stellen, der als einer der brutalsten Serienmörder der Welt gilt. Sie nennt ihn einfach "Dad." Perfekt für Fans von Gillian Flynn, Freida McFadden oder Carolyn...
Nestled between the rugged peaks of Ravenhart Mountain and the shores of Branwen Beach, mermen live and work alongside humans in the modern world. When local paranormal matchmaker Madame Liora works her...
This is a story I have written and introduced to the world to raise awareness for Alzheimer's and Dementia, and the effects it has on the affected individual.
There is no doubt that capitalism has to be stopped. Its ravenous consumption, a tornado of destruction, is ripping apart the fabric of society.So, in May 2024, I decided to change the world. My team...
In the previous four books, after making mistakes, experiencing disappointments, facing challenges, and overcoming obstacles, Inocencio conquers his internal and external dragons and becomes a self-aware...
Raven et Grayson se retrouvent face à une vérité qui bouleverse leur vie : Raven est enceinte. Alors que Grayson redouble de brutalité pour protéger sa famille, Raven doit affronter les réalités du monde...
A new species comes to Bastion to challenge Uly's right to keep the system. Meanwhile, his troubles with the Ononguli Sphere have only just begun, as Dan has created the Congress of Wives.They also start...
Uma onça mata um homem no meio da floresta. Enquanto a família se organiza para enterrar o patriarca, Stefano Volp costura entre os personagens uma colcha de memórias, desprazeres e suspeitas, interseccionando...
Nestas páginas temos pastores, dançarinas, psicólogas, anarquistas, ovos, delegacias, bares. E de todos esses lugares e seres e seus contíguos arroubos, gritos solitários, tragediazinhas, aniquilamentos...
DA MESMA AUTORA DE A GAROTA NO ESPELHO "Uma narrativa acelerada e que manterá o leitor preso até a última página enquanto Eve procura por respostas e luta para proteger seu filho." — BOOKLIST Eles são...
There's more to secrets than staying silent.Cameron Jacobs doesn't like to pry. At Tuesdays—the upscale restaurant where he works—he leaves his customers to their whispered conversations, which he does...
Vez em quando, Billie Holiday, de Evandro Affonso Ferreira, conta a história de Diadorino, um jovem nascido em meio à brutalidade do sertão, que sonha em se tornar Diadorina, "mulher bela e bélica e feminina...
Sense feina, acabada de divorciar i amb la mort del seu pare encara recent, la Gris es troba, amb quaranta anys, amb una vida a la deriva i que cada cop sent menys seva. Des de fa temps...
A forgotten war hero. A viral prophecy. A race for his life.David Shepherd, haunted by a battlefield trauma, finds solace helping injured and homeless veterans.But a viral video of him confronting a powerful...
On the mysterious Indian continent, Jun Hu was mocked for failing the family trial, but later embarked on the path of cultivation with the help of his mentor. In the process of exploring mysterious ruins...
Demons are not the only enemy among them...Waking from a seven year healing sleep should have been the biggest shock of Navarre's night. It was not. The brave female standing before him was, without a...
Raven's FallBook One in the Blood of the Raven SeriesWings of Blood and Desire "Romantasy takes flight in Raven's Fall! Elizabeth Schechter is a virtuoso at melding swoon-worthy romance with enchanting...
All three books in the Intended Fates Trilogy are now available together in an ebook bundle! Welcome to a world where vampires' favorite snacks are unawakened fae and werewolves sacrifice their childhoods...
With the help of his friends, the courageous Aurora and the determined Oberon, and his sister Lia, young Finn discovers his inner strength and the power of friendship and love. Together they face their...
This book is not an attempt to console or inspire, nor is it a naive hope that "everything will be fine." It is an honest look at how time shapes our perception, why adults often seem cynical, and why...
He's the Bane of my existence.My fated mate.The timing is all wrong, but fate doesn't wait for anyone.I'm searching for my missing brother, but Bane finds me first.He doesn't give me a choice: I'm his,...
When the enemy is your mind, there is no escape.Bette feared the city, and for good reason. Valenna had become corrupt, targeting citizens with any substantial amount of wealth or power to their name....
His heart belongs to one woman, his life to another.Keir didn't exist. Not anymore. The Lady of Galbraith had saved him from death. Forever indebted to her alone, Keir had become her confidant, her spy,...
In the vast, mysterious, and fantastical Tian Yuan Continent, spiritual power was like a surging dark current that ran through everything. Here there are many sects, the strong are honoured, and the battle...
In the dark and chill of the long winter's night, wrap yourself in the firelight's glow and let your soul dream with ten stories of magic, mystery, and heart. Come with me on ten winter journeys of second...
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