Captain Mark Herr's world is thrown into chaos when a covert mission in North Korea goes awry. Stranded on a deadly island after their ship's destruction, Mark leads his crew in a desperate fight for...
"ECHO PROTOCOL"Evelyn Chase, a gifted linguist turned covert operative, never expected to find herself at the center of a global conspiracy. Nor did she anticipate falling for her enigmatic handler, Alex...
Sense feina, acabada de divorciar i amb la mort del seu pare encara recent, la Gris es troba, amb quaranta anys, amb una vida a la deriva i que cada cop sent menys seva. Des de fa temps...
The cloistered world of St. Alberic's Monastery becomes a battleground of secrets, spiritual quests, and human frailty. Fourteen-year-old Paul, raised among monks who both nurture and dismiss him, faces...
C’est l’hiver dans la vie de Sandra. Son monde s’est effondré après la mort soudaine de son mari, Christophe. Malgré la présence bienveillante de leur fils, elle se replie sur elle-même et ne parvient...
Life is colourful, and full, and wild. In a world brought to its knees, we are thriving. We eat well, we play, we grow, we love. We are happy.For as long as I can avoid thinking about her, I can see the...
Nobody wants to go to space...Humanity's diaspora to the stars never happened. Space travel is too fraught with danger. It degenerates the muscles and bones of spacefarers to the point where life on the...
Matthew and Martha Mysteries, Book 4In September 1900, an automobile race was held in Newport, RI, attended by thousands, including all of the 'Summer Colony's' wealthy social elite, dressed in their...
Despite the odd name, Seldem Dunn has somehow managed to retain his sense of humor. He's also as nice a guy as you'd ever want to meet, and a great friend to have at your side. But he'd rather not hear...
This is a novel about White Gold, that is a name of a foreign cafeteria, in the 80s of the last century. All the novel is about waiters (working in old ways), their dreams and difficulties, their achievements...
Emigrating to Indonesia because of love and lies. The Indonesia Guide Beremigrasi ke Indonesia karena cinta dan kebohongan dedication: Titi Aminah, West Java province Culture Books This article was published...
Bill Gordon boards a red-eye flight to L. A. after receiving a frantic phone call from his Nice Beth Ann Fletcher. A commuter flight returning to LA from Las Vegas crashes in the mountains with no survivors,...
Some nights I watch space from my window. I didn't name the space. The stars and planets decided the name of space among themselves. It comforts me. I think that all the rain comes from the depths of...
The timeless devotion is a poignant story of love, art, and resilience in the face of life's greatest challenges. It begins with a fateful meeting on a rainy evening, where two souls connect over shared...
Three best friends. Two crumbling estates. And one trip that changes everything. When three barn besties escape for a girls' trip to Ireland, they expect a lot of fun. They don't expect to want to stay…...
The heartrending, magical sequel in an unforgettable fantasy-filled adventure through World War One. After Lufbery, everything changed. Still reeling from the trauma of their last mission, Marcus and...
No maior polo de escalada esportiva do Brasil, a Serra do Cipó, Maria Eduarda se torna atleta-mirim, passando pela Seleção Brasileira de Escalada, até se tornar campeã olímpica em 2040. Nascida pouco...
Gabriele ist eine Schauspielerin, die, als das Ende ihrer Karriere naht, wieder die Stadt aufsucht, in der sie ihre Jugend verbracht hat. Ihr unerwarteter Besuch trifft zwei ihrer alten Freundinnen unvorbereitet,...
Aphrodite, la première intelligence artificielle globale, a pris son envol au cœur des processeurs de la Silicon Valley. Si cela peut sembler anodin pour le non-initié, Julie, sa jeune conceptrice, découvre...
"Bloodstains and Ghost Stories: The Dark Side of American Hospitals" delves into the chilling and often overlooked narratives that lurk within the walls of healthcare institutions across the United States....
Ne Touchez Pas au Bouton Rouge !Plongez dans une aventure burlesque et rocambolesque où le cirque devient un véritable terrain de jeu explosif ! Quatre clowns, aussi maladroits qu'attachants, jonglent...
The RunDreamAchieve 30-Minute 5K Blueprint eBook is a comprehensive and effective guide designed for runners who are determined to reach the elite level of competitive 5K racing. Whether you are an amateur...
Every story is a beginning... And every beginning is a harbinger of a journey into the unknown.There are countless orders in the universe: some functioning perfectly, others collapsing... But above all...
Every ending is a harbinger of a new beginning. Arvilas was not afraid to face the darkness as he walked in the light of divine energy. With each step, the power within him grew more intense, even the...
Dans le cadre sombre et tumultueux de Saint-Claude, un groupe d'amis se retrouve plongé dans une lutte désespérée contre un réseau criminel redoutable dirigé par le charismatique et dangereux Viktor Malenkov....
Plongez dans un monde où le désir brûle plus fort que le soleil et où les ombres cachent des secrets mortels… Black Hollow, une ville maudite aux ruelles tortueuses et aux légendes oubliées, attire ceux...
Αυτό το βιβλίο γράφτηκε για σένα τον αθλητή, τον γυμναστή, τον fitness enthusiast που θέλει να αφήσει πίσω του τις μεθόδους του χθες και να προπονηθεί σαν να ζει στο 2035.Θες να βελτιστοποιήσεις την προπόνησή...
TITLE: RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots) AUTHOR: Karel Čapek, 1920No DRMLanguage: EnglishIllustratedGenre: Science Fiction PlayProduct Description:First performed in 1921, "RUR" is the seminal science fiction...
The battle for survival was only the beginning.Enola thought Korr's defeat would bring peace, but the echoes of war still haunt the ruined city. The rift, a force of unfathomable power, pulses with energy,...
At eight years old something called to horror writer Kellian Lund. A secret. A magic girl. A sister. A friend to a child that had no one else. She made him promise that is she took care of him until the...
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