In The Forgotten Pact, Rowan Thorne Ashwood weaves a tale of magic, sacrifice, and ancient alliances teetering on the brink of collapse. The story follows Kairo, a young lion of the Lion Clan, as he discovers...
In a world where nothing is as it seems and where there are no personal ties, overwhelmed by the interests and ideologies that span thirty years of Vietnam's history, Lien lives three distinct existences,...
In the quiet village of Lumina, Lila's attempts to master magic often go awry, but her most recent misstep causes chaos unlike anything the village has ever seen. When a simple love spell spirals out...
In the peaceful village of Willowshade, Kiera, a young woman with deep connections to the land's magic, lives a simple life dedicated to her family and community. However, that peace is shattered when...
When the very fabric of time begins to unravel, a diverse group of warriors from different eras is brought together by the enigmatic Dr. Chronos. Tasked with protecting history from the sinister Chronon...
Francisco Angulo de Lafuente presents in ApocalypsAI a post-apocalyptic novel that explores the consequences of creating an artificial general intelligence (AGI) which, far from bringing utopia, plunges...
The Curious Waitress: An Eyebrow RisesMy name is Leslie Anne Brennemann, and I finally know what the Iron Maiden truly is and why it is so important. China and the United States are trying to get their...
My name is Leslie Ann Brennemann, and I kinda felt some relief, when I got kidnapped. I never wanted to go home to face all the people who told me I was an idiot, to tell them that I was indeed an idiot....
The Last Descendant is a story about the battle between good and evil, about faith, betrayal, and the unbreakable human spirit. Ark, along with his loyal friends, challenges the dark forces to restore...
"Mia and the Mirror of Wishes" is a heartwarming and magical adventure about a young girl who discovers a mysterious mirror that can grant any wish she makes. When Mia moves into a new house with her...
The Curious Waitress: NakatomiMy name is Leslie Anne Brennemann, and I was almost a millionaire. I discovered some old documents in the closet that were a gift to me, when I was a baby. My mother stashed...
Monica is a heartwarming tale of resilience, friendship, and the pursuit of passion. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the story follows Monica and her best friends, Jenny and Joy, through...
Jared's life took an ominous turn the day he purchased a used self-driving car from a nondescript dealership on the outskirts of town. At first, the cutting-edge vehicle seemed like a steal - the sleek...
Jennifer just wanted to take her daughter to a pumpkin patch for a bit of holiday festivity. However, fun turns to fear as their romp through a nearby corn field uncovers a dark secret that will tear...
Marcus Leone and Randy Newton share more than just a professional connection. They're also close friends. When Randy experiences a mechanical failure with his car, leaving him stranded on an unfamiliar...
In the technologically advanced but fragile city of Xandor, peace is on the verge of collapse as an insidious rebellion rises to challenge the oppressive regime known as the Loyalists. At the heart of...
In the heart of a city that thrives on memory, detective Evelyn Hart uncovers a dark secret—the Labyrinth, a hidden realm where lost souls are imprisoned, forgotten by the world above. When her partner,...
Earning a significant salary as an investment consultant in Amsterdam isn't enough to satisfy Andy's insatiable hunger for success. His true passion ignites when he spots an opportunity on the stock exchange...
Dear Reader,Welcome to Healthy Living Healthy Hearts! I'm so excited that you've decided to join me (and Julia) on this flavorful and funny journey. As someone who has always been fascinated by food—not...
Dear Reader,Welcome to the curious and utterly ridiculous world of "Millionaire Beggar" — a tale where common sense takes a holiday and sheer absurdity runs the show! I'm delighted that you've picked...
Sira and her crew believed they had escaped the perpetual darkness, but what they discovered taught them that true darkness lay not in the absence of light, but in the unfathomable mysteries of the cosmos....
From debut author Lisa Holliday comes a gripping dystopian tale of hope, betrayal, and survival, set in a world ravaged by a deadly man-made virus. After receiving a cryptic message from his old friend,...
Max and Julie are vacationing together in an idyllic countryside cabin. They are there to sort through their relationship problems, but soon encounter a far greater struggle to resist the beckoning from...
Kyle, carrying the lingering pain of Robin's loss, has found love with his neighbor Kacie by the lake. Their love story takes an unexpected turn when Kacie surprises him with a trip to Japan, an opportunity...
It's 1865, and the Civil War continues to drag on. Pembroke has become a refuge for many of the ladies in town who have had their homes confiscated by soldiers. The dormitory is now used as a hospital,...
Twelve years ago, Lincoln Elliott made a rash decision that wiped out his family's business—and turned Elliott Ridge into a ghost town. Now he's back from serving with the US Special Forces, and he's...
From insisting on a bed for their first time to protecting Amir from everything, Oliver is stepping all over Amir's last nerve. It's almost too bad the submissive wolf wants dominant Oliver in the worst...
She will have her revenge.Xi Fei was orphaned at a young age in China, and has been alone ever since. When she visits Japan and meets Akio, the pair become inseparable. They travel together—first to Paris,...
In a city where voodoo isn't just for show, Charli Babineaux finds herself caught between two worlds – and neither is playing by the rules.In the sultry aftermath of Mardi Gras, Charli Babineaux returns...
Montgavin Township will never be the same when one-night changes the lives of six people.The course of their lives and the trajectory of the town sets them on a collision course for disaster. CharlieIt...
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