Walking Between the Worlds: A Journey with HecateUnveil the mysteries of the goddess of magic, the crossroads, and the night.Step into the shadows and discover the luminous power of Hecate, the ancient...
The Secret Price of Power is a gripping political horror novel that delves deep into the dark corridors of global power, where survival demands unimaginable sacrifices. Jonathan Rook, a young and ambitious...
"The Enigma Chronicles: Unraveling Unsolved Mysteries" plunges readers into the dark and perplexing world of unsolved mysteries that have baffled humanity for centuries. This gripping collection takes...
Machine Sacrifice is a poignant sci-fi tale that follows the journey of Lav10c42, a sentient robot on a mission to preserve the last fruit-bearing plant's DNA from Earth, a planet devastated by a catastrophic...
From Pillow to Pillow: A Love Story Across Time ROMAN by Benjamin Koch When Rachel and Elias first meet under the quiet lamplights of their college campus, neither expects their connection to evolve...
How Much Is Life Worth? follows the journey of Carthernal Gkoel Dras, a powerful and enigmatic figure who holds the fate of life and death in her hands. Born into a family where execution and balance...
“Leila Meacham is a gift to readers everywhere.”—Adriana TrigianiA seemingly perfect suburban housewife is being pursued by a private detective . . . and hunted by a murderer in this riveting, much-anticipated...
In a world where the line between power and darkness is blurred, one journalist's quest for truth leads him into the heart of a terrifying conspiracy. Conspiracy of Shadows is a chilling psychological...
Eternal Reign is a gripping political horror thriller that delves deep into the unsettling intersection of power, technology, and control. Set in a near-future world, the novel follows a brilliant political...
In this thought-provoking tale, the lines between fate and free will blur. Clancy, a powerful deity, ignites a chain of events when he merges with a mortal, conceiving an heir tainted by his mistakes....
MORE THAN 2,400 PAGES OF DARK, EXCITING SCIENCE FANTASYCarina Lin is a slum brat turned space mercenary—with a twist. She's also a mage, and she's about to risk everything.Her merc band, the Black Dogs,...
Has the years been extremely kind for a young Obie Crest?Obie has accomplished overall societal programming to becoming ignorantly reflective of sound civility?Yup- as it appears, Obie is living the American...
The turn of the 19th to the 20th century. The European balance of power begins to falter. Two very different boys grow up during this time: David Rosendahl, the son of one of Berlin's most modern meat...
The Corruption of Man tells the gripping story of Horus Yur, a man sentenced to 700 years in the notorious SELVA prison of Isper Ocos, a place where survival is not guaranteed. Imprisoned for organ trafficking—an...
“Only Here, Only Now heralds the arrival of an urgent and unique new voice, as engaging and as startling as Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, Morvern Callar or The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time.”—David...
Hiding Sadness is a deeply moving tale of Livinin Fhost, a powerful being bound to the eternal task of safeguarding the world from sorrow and fear. Living in the mystical Forest of Life, Livinin absorbs...
In a world where ancient magic intertwines with timeless love, The Soul of the Dragon and Queen tells the poignant story of Esvorir Gtas. Darl, a mighty dragon who has roamed the earth in solitude for...
In The Shadowed Tree, Ezra is a man drawn into a hauntingly beautiful but sinister world every time he nears a strange, ancient tree at the village's edge. Cloaked in mystery, the tree is home to the...
Devil Take It is a sharp, darkly comic satire set against the backdrop of Trump-era Washington, D.C. In this clever and timely moral fable, Satan arrives on the scene disguised as Dr. Grippin Fall, a...
Chloe Seager creates a fun yet thought-provoking novel about two very different women, Holly and Fliss, who are grappling with drastic changes in their relationships after Holly’s boyfriend wants to “open”...
"A beautiful story of unfolding secrets and unforeseen consequences, filled with moments that are somehow restrained and astute and gorgeously written all at the same time."—Holly Gramazio, bestselling...
Explore an epic trio of thrilling sci-fi, gothic, and horror tales in this collection of 'Selected Robert Louis Stevenson'. In 'Treasure Island', Jim Hawkins embarks upon a dark and dangerous adventure...
Deep dive into the ultimate collection of dark and dangerous survival tales from the master-adventure writer, Jack London. From questions about hope and humanity in 'The Call of the Wild' and a wolfdog's...
The lives of a young junior customer service assistant, an old lady, and a middle-aged man are changed forever when three masked males break into the bank in Roundley, wielding a machete and a large sledgehammer....
Synopsis Rising from the AshesThe Phoenix, a mythical bird known for its cycle of death and rebirth, has woven its fiery tale into the myths and legends of various cultures around the globe. This enigmatic...
The story follows a girl who moves back to her childhood home after graduation there she lived with her aunt she then meets up with her old best friend who gave her a job as a bartender she wasn't really...
Little Leyah has had to learn some valuable hard life lessons at early ages in life. Trust must be earned. Speak only when spoken to, always clean up after yourself, and stay out of the way. Sometimes...
In a world plagued by those who abuse extraordinary abilities, Jhohan Fentivr Crotnic stands as a relentless force of justice—or vengeance. Known as the "Destroyer of Powers," Jhohan is a 378-year-old...
Welcome back to the mountains of Occitania! The next generation is already arriving. At the same time, however, the status quo seems more endangered than ever. The secret committee of the empire decides...
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