Ricky Vidal is a young communications entrepreneur wheeling and dealing in Brussels with the public sector and international entities. His desire to bring value to society, develop his business and generate...
In her eleventh novel, Mary Sheldon delivers a stirring exploration of the relationships between husbands and wives, mothers and daughters, and, most especially, sisters. Set against the vibrant landscape...
Nadia, a dedicated and successful social worker, falls in love with Pasco, a prisoner serving life in prison for murder. Pasco convinces Nadia that he is innocent of the crime. The portrayal of the lives...
“Iberians on wine” aims to be a valuable source on Portuguese and Spanish wines and everything surrounding them, from cooking to the latest social trends in the Peninsula. It situates and celebrates wine...
CONFUCIUS TO CONFUSING I do not want to say categorically that we live in a time of extreme confusion, but a number of facts seem to corroborate the contrary. In a globalize world, wealth and welfare...
Barricaded after feeding on the life and experience of other eternal youth, anyone could be their next target. They live in the shadows and from there run the course of the world. No nation, people or...
Is the romanthic story between an older man and a young girl with green eyes
Originally published in 1930, Mhudi: An Epic of South African Native Life of a Hundred Years Ago is a historical romance of epic scale that tells the story of a courageous and beautiful Barolong woman...
Esta obra analiza el fracaso de la implementación de la Estrategia de Lisboa (2000), en un contexto de agravamiento del deterioro del entorno económico europeo por la prolongación de los problemas fiscales...
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are hired by the King of Bohemia to retrieve an indiscreet photograph from the American actress and singer, Irene Adler. She is blackmailing his highness hoping to ruin...
The country is in crisis. Unrest and inner city tensions feed on unemployment. And as the Government struggles to contain the soaring debt, no one listens. Most are tired of 'PR-savvy' words, tired of...
Lily Murgrave visits Hercule Poirot because Sir Ruben Astwell has been murdered, and although all the signs point to her nephew, lady Astwell, for whom Lily works, has a hunch that the murderer is someone...
Empleando una metodología propia de los estudios descriptivos de traduc- ción, se analiza un corpus de cuatro novelas del autor norteamericano Raymond Chandler (The Big Sleep, 1939; Farewell, My Lovely,...
In a world where the dead move among the living, there is a family that shoulders a curse. Together with their ancestors and neighboring spirits, they will try to do away with it, but once introduced...
Is it who we are born to be or what we learn along the way that defines us as the people we become? Or is it simply what we are taught and by who that inspires us to greatness? Laif is an ordinary young...
Im besten Süßwarenladen von Moret stellt Sidonie ihre Zuckerstangen her und fügt eine geheime Zutat hinzu: eine Zutat, die Kinder brav macht. Sind diese Zuckerstangen tatsächlich der Traum aller Eltern...
Helen and Freddy are bored. The sky is grey, there’s nothing to do and they’re not allowed to watch TV. Then their dad has a plan: a walk through the forest of Fontainebleau to the fairy pond. But a simple...
A brilliant yet reclusive neuroscientist discovers a way to manifest his dreams as augmented reality. With this technology, he inadvertently manifests an imaginary girlfriend, who is witty, charming,...
A quantum physicist invents a device that lets him converse with alternate versions of himself in parallel universes. In a quest to find the best version of his life, he stumbles upon a reality in which...
Two renowned and diametrically opposed food critics anonymously fall in love through a popular virtual cooking class. Unbeknownst to them, they've savagely reviewed each other's published cookbooks. A...
In a town infamous for its seasonal love potion festival, a straight-laced scientist finds himself inexplicably drawn to the charismatic potion maker. Fighting against the whimsical magic surrounding...
A seasoned astronaut falls in love with the voice of an unknown woman through his radio communication set on a long, solitary mission to Mars. He returns to earth, only to find the voice belonged to an...
During the height of the Jazz Age, a shy but ambitious bartender at a speakeasy falls head over heels for a charismatic, adventurous woman who dreams of becoming a pilot. Unknown to both, they share an...
A macho army sergeant falls in love with a gentle botanist who is researching the healing properties of plants in the war zone. The soldier must navigate his unfamiliar feelings while reconciling with...
After an accidental mix-up at a quirky boutique perfume lab, two strangers become hopelessly attracted to each other due to a potent, experimental love potion in their scents. The situation gets complicated...
A renowned neurosurgeon, fiercely independent and dismissive of love, faces a life-altering condition that slowly erases his personal memories. The only person who can help him hold on to his identity...
On a far-off station in the depths of interstellar space, two AI consciousnesses, designed to monitor system operations, find themselves developing emotions for each other. Through clandestine digital...
When a gruff lumberjack with a sensitive soul unknowingly falls in love with the spirit inhabiting the forest he's about to cut down, his conflicted heart must choose between his livelihood and protecting...
A gruff, introverted male florist who has a deep love for flowers but struggles with human connection, finds a mysterious love letter hidden within the pages of a second-hand poetry book. The letter is...
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