A terrorist bomb. A brilliant scientist. And the classified technology that can extract secrets from dreams.When the Department of Homeland Security raids a suspected terrorist cell, they capture Dr....
Facing Christmas in an empty nest, Laura and Stanley Jacobs decide to do something they've always dreamed of— rent a massive beach home on Sea Island, South Carolina, their favorite vacation destination....
Detective Jonas Greer is no stranger to murder scenes, but nothing prepares him for the Harrow Estate—a mansion soaked in blood, but with no body in sight. Victor Harrow, a powerful tech mogul, has vanished,...
Synopsis"Seeds of Light"I en verden hvor forurensning har ødelagt planeten, er det bare én by som gjør motstand som det siste rene tilfluktsstedet, en boble av tilsynelatende perfeksjon som opprettholdes...
Lindsey has spent the last two years hiding away from everyone after her best friend and boyfriend betrayed her. Now, she's ready to start fresh. It's time to learn to trust again, time to take her life...
Rome is built on power, but its greatest secrets are buried in blood.When a senator's trusted slave is found murdered in the opulent public baths, Lucius Marcellus, a hardened yet disillusioned Praetorian...
She's running from her past. He's bracing for the future. But when they collide, will love be enough to save them both?Flic moved to the picturesque town of Roseville to leave her tragic past behind and...
She's gone. Vanished from a city slicked with artificial gloss, but rotten to the core. Where silence and deceit are bought and sold like just another commodity. A burned-out investigator, tormented by...
Janet seemed to have the perfect path. A Long Island girl gets an exciting job in New York City, as well as a great place to live in the heart of Manhattan.. A reunion with a school boy crush, she marries...
How could a mission to hand deliver a letter cause so much chaos?Joan Boyd hasn't seen Arthur in more than a decade. Seeing the sharp, well-groomed, brown-skinned soldier standing inside her mother's...
Wanneer eer en liefde elkaar ontmoeten, vliegen de vonken over… precies op tijd voor kerst.Kolonel Nicholas Montgomery had nooit verwacht de bloederige slagvelden van Spanje te overleven, laat staan terug...
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District is a gripping exploration of passion, power, and moral corruption set against the backdrop of 19th-century Russia. Nikolai Leskov crafts a stark and unsettling narrative...
After being captured by the ruthless Captain John Wentyard, the pirate Black Vulmea convinces the English to follow him into a treacherous jungle in search of a legendary treasure. However, the journey...
Tara is the new vocal sensation, adored by fans the world over. Her beautiful face graces the cover of every magazine. The life of the Queen of song is perfect. She is perfect.Why would anyone want to...
Synopsis"Seeds of Light"I en värld där föroreningar har ödelagt planeten är det bara en stad som står emot som den sista rena tillflyktsorten, en bubbla av skenbar perfektion som upprätthålls av ett auktoritärt...
Bill, a hard-boiled detective, never put much stock in the supernatural—until he met Celia, a stunning woman who could read every thought in his head. Later, over coffee and steak at a quiet diner, she...
he Second Bite of the Cherry Anthologies are dedicated to those would like to believe, that there could be a "do over"of life, love or both ! People who've given up hope of finding a partner, or suffered...
A surprisingly friendly serial killer, a seemingly perfectly nice man who succumbs to his darkest impulses, a man who is sent pictures of torture that he has no memory of, a party that turns into a nightmare,...
Após ser capturado pelo implacável capitão John Wentyard, o pirata Black Vulmea convence os ingleses a segui-lo até uma selva perigosa em busca de um tesouro lendário. No entanto, a jornada se transforma...
After the death of her husband, a widow decides to reveal the hidden truths of her marriage, including her secret relationship with Emílio, a lover who transformed her life. In a narrative full of irony...
Após a morte de seu marido, uma viúva decide revelar as verdades ocultas de seu casamento, incluindo seu relacionamento secreto com Emílio, um amante que transformou sua vida. Em uma narrativa repleta...
Aujourd'hui, ce sont des milliers de militants qui passent par la Garde à vue de manière totalement abusive. " Les États créent un climat de peur et d'intimidation " qui a un " effet dissuasif...
Le troisième roman policier de Bruno Gaccio, dont le héros Bertrand Morillo a déjà conquis 50 000 personnes sur Facebook. Le flic atypique Bertrand Morillo, qui a lu des livres pour...
DERNIER CHAPITRE DU TOME 2 Après "Switch Me On", Kujira est de retour ! Elle propose une nouvelle romance sexy se déroulant dans le même univers, et qui ne...
QUATRIÈME CHAPITRE DU TOME 1 shares est la première série en plusieurs tomes de la mangaka. Prépubliée sur le site web action de Futabasha, elle met en scène...
Pour mieux vivre le présent, rien de tel qu'un détour par le futur ! Un roman en version Dyscool. 1991. Le jeune Brett est persécuté par Jérémy Mazalet...
Partez à la découverte du monde fascinant des pompiers avec ce livre interactif conçu pour les tout-petits dès 2 ans. Un mélange parfait d'apprentissage et de jeu ! 7 questions illustrées...
Partez à la découverte de la ferme avec votre tout-petit ! Un livre ludique et éducatif pour découvrir les animaux à travers 7 questions illustrées et des jeux de cherche et trouve. 7 questions...
Un livre fascinant sur l'univers des dinosaures pour les paléontologues en herbe, dès 2 ans ! Un livre conçu pour éveiller la curiosité des jeunes enfants sur ces créatures préhistoriques renversantes...
Préparez votre enfant à l'arrivée d'un bébé avec ces 7 questions illustrées et ludiques pour tout comprendre et s'amuser. "Bienvenue bébé" est le livre idéal pour expliquer...
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