Pantalla :
Having escaped the Belira mines and killer dwarrows, Otta and Lored find a place to rest; in the valley of a monstrous sharresh-idenru. "I really like the characters despite their 'backgrounds' rooted...
Des documentaires illustrés qui répondent à toutes les questions des petits curieux de 4 à 6 ans. Des textes courts et instructifs, de belles illustrations font de cette nouvelle collection un outil idéal...
Mystery writer Ashley Calloway's long-awaited vacation on a cruise ship isn't off to a flying start. Delphina Durand, the worst former co-worker Ashley ever knew when she worked at Grandscale Pictures...
Growing up with three brothers, Charlie Jackson had to be tough. Some might call her the B word, but she simply defends those who need it. Unfortunately, not everyone sees her protection as defense. Like...
Quan la dona de l'Elisenda la deixa per un home, tot allò en què havia cregut s'enfonsa.La novel·la comença el dia que la Tina abandona l'Elisenda, la narradora. Han estat juntes 6 anys i se'n va amb...
In Lost Xentu Book 1, Yanda was drawn away from her home planet where she was a prestigious surgeon to find herself wayload into captivity by a greedy mage who collected anyone and anything with powers....
Chaos bleeds blood sweat and tears for his club. Nothing comes before his before his brothers. That is until Kiera crashes into his life. Kiera has been on the run for weeks. The Reservation she once...
O texto dramático mais importante do romantismo nacional e uma obra-prima da literatura portuguesa.Edição, introdução e notas de João Dionísio.«Se um terror similhante chega a entrar naquela alma, quem...
The Alpha SEALs Hawaii series features a team of Navy SEALs. SEAL's Secret is Hudson "Torpedo" Brown's book. Official blurb coming soon!
An angsty M/NB monster romanceIn an ideal world, my dead parents' waterfront house would rot with them.In an ideal world, I wouldn't need the money from selling it, and I would've never returned to the...
Un relat homèric, entre la ciència i la fantasia literària.Amb Les tenebres del cor, l'autor de novel·les com Victus o La pell freda, escriu la història apassionant d'una il·lusió, tan immortal com inassolible,...
«Aquesta és ma casa. Ma casa és tan gelada a l'hivern que hem d'encendre la calefacció, i tan calorosa a l'estiu que hem d'obrir totes les finestres perquè córrega l'aire. Hi ha voltes que fa tanta calor...
Be careful what you wish for, folks. Trust me on this one.You see, I used to think my life was about as exciting as watching paint dry - textbooks, studying, the same old campus hangout spots. Just a...
What do you do when you've broken the world?Mischief is the Trickster, the godling of chaos: she's Loki, Hermes, Satan, Raven, Anansi, all in one…born to stir the pot, disturb the complacent, light the...
Alaria dreams of becoming a Gatekeeper, a warrior-priestess. But her fellow candidates in the brutal selection competition will stop at nothing to steal her chance at glory.Alaria is a gifted warrior,...
"Pendant des années, dans la petite ville où j'ai grandi, les esprits restèrent marqués par les évènements qui se produisirent au zoo local un vendredi de décembre, à quelques jours de...
Un roman graphique young adult étonnant dans l'univers du roller derby ! SELECTION OFFICIELLE ANGOULEME 2017...
When a song is a weapon, who can wield it?Piper's music is possessed by secret, forbidden magic that manipulates the emotions of his audiences; it's nothing he asked for, nothing he can control. Outed...
Are Piper and Alaria strong enough to defeat those who draw their power from a thousand years of immersion in the Well of Souls?Piper and Alaria, minstrel and warrior priestess, have deposed the traitorous...
What do you do when your own mother condemns you for heresy?Rasmus Kesmun is a minstrel like no other, possessing secret magic, the existence of which is considered blasphemous. He desperately hides this...
Charlie, a newly awakened meta-human, is forced into a new life after a devastating incident leaves his grandmother gravely wounded and his home in ruins. Seeking refuge with his sister in Chicago, Charlie...
In the equality world of All Things Equal, everyone is on the same level. The same pay. The same housing. Everyone is equal. This equality is enforced through the Department of Ultimate Equality and made...
A minstrel and a warrior priestess, bound by a web of forbidden magic.Piper's music is possessed by illicit magic that affects his audiences. Charged with heresy, he loses everything, running from a church...
A fake engagement romance where he falls first but she keeps tripping, over herself and him.After being shoved down the corporate ladder and buried under a mountain of debt, Zarna Rai only wants to fade...
Despite having his heart broken twice, will this cowboy give an old flame a second chance 22 years later? Cowboy Wyatt Brooks leads a busy life by juggling his family dude ranch responsibilities, while...
En el món de l'esperit no hi ha fronteres, l'absència de fronteres és el que és pròpiament espiritual. Un místic d'avui pot sentir un místic de qualsevol passat, sigui de la seva tradición o d'una altra,...
Espirituaren munduan ez da mugarik, eta mugen gabezia hori berezkoa du espirituala den horrek. Egungo mistiko batek anaitasuna senti dezake iraganeko edozein denboratako mistikorekiko, hori edozein tradiziokoa...
Moro num quarto de um apartamento arrendado que partilho com amigas e uma extensa família de ratos. Ele vive numa mansão luxuosa na melhor zona de Londres e tem casas de férias espalhadas pelo mundo....
No mundo do espírito non hai fronteiras, a ausencia de fronteiras é o propiamente espiritual. Un místico de hoxe pode sentir un místico de calquera pasado, sexa da súa tradición ou doutra, coma un verdadeiro...
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