Pantalla :
Diresti mai che un normalissimo campeggio, pensato come gita di fine anno dal liceo che frequenti, possa sconvolgerti l’esistenza? Ebbene, a me è capitata proprio una roba del genere. Un atteso, dannato,...
Tauchen Sie ein in die zauberhafte Welt der "50 Gute-Nacht-Geschichten", einer Sammlung von Erzählungen, die kleine Träumer auf fantastische Reisen mitnehmen. Dieses Buch ist voller Abenteuer, Magie und...
Milano, prima settimana di un agosto rovente. Il quartiere di Porta Venezia, solitamente così animato, è semideserto. A catturare l’attenzione di chi osa sfidare il caldo soffocante è un’affascinante...
Il commissario Antonio Mariani è appena ritornato da due settimane di ferie quando gli viene affidata un’indagine che, secondo il questore, verrà presto archiviata come “caso irrisolto”. In una cantina...
Nachdem Kinder eine Schatulle mit dem Siegel der untergegangenen Stadt Rungholt fanden, wird Sylt von mysteriösen Vorfällen heimgesucht. Eine Frau im roten Rock geistert im Wattenmeer umher, alte Wracks...
Bayern 1124. Alice verliert durch die Ermordung Graf Bernhards den geliebten Mann und ihre Existenz. Sie wird von der Burg vertrieben und muss sich ein neues Leben aufbauen. Von Anfang an verdächtigt...
Anna Ehinger wird wie alle Ulmer mitten in der Nacht aus dem Schlaf gerissen, als die Feuerglocken der Stadt plötzlich läuten. Eines der Häuser beim Marktplatz steht lichterloh in Flammen, die Angst,...
Schön. Reich. Begehrt. Die Millionenerbin Mary Knowlton gehört 1892 in New York zur High Society. Durch die Heirat mit einem deutschen Grafen wird sie in den USA zum Star. Aber der Adel in Berlin ist...
Henrik Aalhus hat bislang unbekannte Informationen über den größten Steuerraub in der Bundesrepublik gespeichert. Bevor er den USB-Stick mit den Daten dem Journalisten Kurt Zink übergeben kann, wird er...
Anno 1689. Baumeister Fabrizio Mansani rettet seinen aufgrund falscher Anklage zum Tode verurteilten Bruder und will Venedig verlassen. Aber seine Tat blieb nicht unbeobachtet und so wird er von dem wegen...
Silvester am Conversationshaus: Auf Norderney fiebern die Urlauber dem Feuerwerk entgegen. Auch Inselpolizist Martin Ziegler und Polizeipsychologin Ruth Keiser sind voller Pläne für das neue Jahr. Da...
»Da war der Wolf. Er kam jede Nacht. Nebelgrau, mit gelben Augen und mächtigen Pfoten. Er konnte seine Krallen durch den Stoff seines Hemdes spüren. Sie drangen in ihn ein. Der ganze Wolf drang in ihn...
Kam vive allo stato selvatico sulla dorsale e il suo sogno è cavalcare un drago; Luk sta nei quartieri ovest della Città di P., dove si arrangia con lavoretti e piccoli furti; Key è il secondo figlio...
Abtei Amorbach, Anno Domini 1426. Bei einem Besuch der Klosterbibliothek stößt Bruder Hilpert auf ein sorgsam gehütetes Geheimnis. Auf einer Burg in der Nähe, so der Bibliothekar der Abtei, werde das...
L’uomo senza qualità pubblicato in 3 volumi, di cui l'ultimo mai completato, narra del matematico Ulrich e del suo atteggiamento verso la vita. Ulrich cerca invano di comprendere il senso dell'esistenza...
Il capolavoro di Herman Melville, una delle più grandi opere nella storia della letteratura… Oltre un secolo e mezzo dopo la sua pubblicazione, Moby Dick è ancora un indiscusso classico della letteratura...
Thriller - romanzo breve (86 pagine) - Il nonno ha sempre ragione. A qualunque costo.Anni '70, Yorkshire, UK. Isaac, medico ebreo fuggito oltremanica per sottrarsi alle leggi razziali, accusa un malore...
Un cadavere eccellente nelle dimore prestigiose della campagna toscana. Un caso da far tremare i polsi per la vice questore Solari che dovrà investigare un mondo a lei sconosciuto: Il presente e il remoto...
Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timothy. Together they are THE FAMOUS FIVE - Enid Blyton's most popular adventure series. All 21 titles also available as audiobooks!In book five, the Famous Five go...
When Duncan Cameron’s mother dies, he is sent to live with his Uncle Gerald on a remote farm in Kent. What follows is a hypnotic tale of psychological suspense as this boy on the cusp of manhood enters...
Happily married for thirty years with three children that have long since grown up, Christopher Mainwaring finds himself at a total loss following the death of his beloved wife, Susan. Yet the joyful...
Mark Treasure has no idea that accompanying his actress wife on location to a picturesque West Country town could possibly lead to murder . . .The merchant banker is asked by Chiversley's Area Bishop...
It’s not every child who is named after a motor car, and when little Daisy Ford discovers she’s been abandoned by her mother, she resolves to put the name – and her unhappy years at the convent orphanage...
'For sheer enjoyability this tops almost anything' The TimesIntelligent and spirited Georgia March flies to the beautiful Greek island of Dendros to meet her cousin Sweden, but upon arrival finds her...
Rose Sugden is a Yorkshire girl through and through. In pre-First World War Bradford, Rose’s maternal grandfather, Caleb Rimmington, is one of Bradford’s wealthiest mill owners and her father is a highly...
Unravelling the mysterious secrets at the heart of the Watersong series, Forgotten Lyrics is a short story from Amanda Hocking; the perfect companion to the bestselling series that began with Wake.Aggie...
The story of a deadly epidemic spread not merely by microbes but by sinister sabotage – a terrifying cautionary tale for the millennium as the health care giants collide.After he loses first his Midwestern...
Brodie Farrell finds things for a living, and when she's asked to locate the whereabouts of Daniel Hood, she sees nothing suspicious in the request. She finds the young man, passes the details on to her...
It is the summer of 1892 and fifteen-year-old Tilly Pound has come to Linden Rise – the holiday cottage of the genteel but dysfunctional Culverton family – to work as a housemaid. She starts as just another...
The Aeneid – thrilling, terrifying and poignant in equal measure – has inspired centuries of artists, writers and musicians.Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning, clothbound,...
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