Pantalla :
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Eleven yearold Pollyanna, having recently been orphaned by her widower father, is sent back East to be cared for by her dutiful and stoic...
In the tranquil embrace of the Canadian wilderness, Archibald Lampman's "Refuge" unfolds as a poignant exploration of nature's solace and the human spirit's longing for connection. Amidst the whispering...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. This collection of short stories, retold by Irish author James Stephens, focuses mainly on the adventures of legendary hunterwarrior Fionn...
In the tumultuous era of the 17th century, a clash of wills unfolds between the English monarchy and Parliament. "King and Parliament" chronicles the gripping struggle for power that shaped the course...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Horothgar, King of the Danes, invites warriors from neighboring kingdoms to his great mead hall with the hope that one of them will solve...
In the bustling metropolis of London, Mr. Alfred Burton leads a seemingly ordinary life as a respected businessman. But beneath this façade lies a secret that could shatter his world. As a master spy,...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. William Congreve’s comedy The Way of the World was first performed in 1700 at the theatre in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. It was not well...
In the bustling heart of Bristol, where the River Avon meets the city's vibrant streets, lies Wappin Wharf, a captivating tale of love, loss, and the enduring spirit of a community. As the sun dips below...
Nájemnice paní Merrilowové, paní Ronderová, je velmi tichá dáma. Protože má znetvořený obličej, chodí se zahalenou tváří. Paní Merrilowová ji bez závoje viděla jen jednou. Poslední dobou ale paní Ronderová...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. A mysterious gentleman arrives at Papa Briquet’s circus, and applies to be a clown; unable to do a backflip, and with the circus unwilling...
In the quaint town of Willow Creek, Christmas is a time for joy and celebration. But for the residents of Willow Creek Manor, the festive season brings a chilling secret to light. As the snow falls and...
Step into the enchanting world of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, where a lively group of pilgrims embark on a journey to Canterbury Cathedral. Through their tales, you'll encounter knights, squires,...
In the quaint town of Glenwood, Elsie Dinsmore, a young girl of unwavering faith, embarks on a transformative journey. As she welcomes her newfound relations, the Van Tassels, into her life, Elsie's world...
In the realm of poetry, where words dance and emotions soar, Helen Hay Whitney's "Sonnets and Songs" emerges as a timeless masterpiece. This unabridged collection captures the essence of love, loss, and...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Leonid Andreyev was a Russian playwright and author of short stories and novellas, writing primarily in the first two decades of the 20th...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Penguin Island, published by Anatole France in 1908, is a comic novel that satirizes the history of France, from its prehistory to the author’s...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral was the first book of poetry ever published by an AfricanAmerican author. Phillis Wheatley’s...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. When her husband dies and leaves his estate to his son from a former marriage, Mrs. Dashwood and her three daughters are offered a cottage...
Embark on an extraordinary journey through the pages of National Geographic Magazine's February 1897 issue. Witness the world through the lens of intrepid explorers and renowned scientists as they unravel...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. The Iron Heel is some of the earliest dystopian fiction of the 20th century. The novel is framed as a presentation of the longlost “Everhard...
Zločinec Steve Dixie přijde do domu na Baker Street 22, aby Sherlocka Holmese varoval před vstupem do Harlow – pokud s ním nechce mít potíže. Holmes ale těsně předtím dostal zprávu od paní Maberleyové,...
In the realm of crime, where shadows dance and secrets whisper, a tantalizing collection of tales awaits. "Coffee Break Collection 016 - Crime" gathers a captivating ensemble of authors, each weaving...
Pan Robert Ferguson se obává, že je jeho manželka upír. Nachytal ji, jak kouše do krku jejich děťátko, a ona se před ním od té doby zamyká ve svém pokoji. Může za ní jen její služka, která jí nosí jídlo....
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Jane Eyre experienced abuse at a young age, not only from her aunt—who raised her after both her parents died—but also from the headmaster...
In the labyrinthine streets of Paris, where secrets lurk in every shadow, a web of intrigue unfolds. "The Mysteries of Paris" Volume 3 plunges us into a world of hidden identities, forbidden desires,...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. Anne of Green Gables established the career of Canadian writer Lucy Maude Montgomery. When Matthew Cuthbert sends away for an orphan boy to...
In the heart of a small Iowa town, a young woman named Glory Bee is torn between her love for her family and her desire for a life beyond the confines of her home. When a traveling theater company arrives,...
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice. After her father’s death, young Anne Beddingfeld moves to London with her meagre inheritance, hopeful and ready to meet adventure. She witnesses...
James Dodd Holmese navštíví kvůli svému příteli, Godfreymu Ensworthovi. Bojovali spolu v druhé búrské válce a Ensworth byl zraněn. Dodd o něm od té doby nic neví a obává se, že se mu něco stalo. Otec...
In the bustling streets of London, two extraordinary individuals cross paths: Captain Sword, a valiant soldier, and Captain Pen, a brilliant writer. As their paths intertwine, they embark on a captivating...
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