Pantalla :
Sigmund Freud disait : "Après trente ans passés à étudier la psychologie féminine, je n'ai toujours pas trouvé de réponse à la grande question: Que veulent-elles au juste ?" Sélectionnées par des femmes,...
Détendez-vous avec les bruits de la nature ! La pluie tambourine sur le toit, les coups de tonnerre se succèdent et les éclairs surgissent à intervalles réguliers. Vous êtes en sécurité et au chaud à...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insghts: #1 In the spring of 1913, 13-year-old Georges Doriot ran...
Né esclave, Epictète devint l'un des plus grands philosophes stoïciens, et ses préceptes sont toujours appliqués aujourd'hui. Nous lui devons le stoïcisme, doctrine pensée pour éviter toutes les souffrances...
The book of Mark is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and some Prophetic Oracles. This Gospel has somewhat of an emphasis in miracles (27 total) which is significantly more...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 If you’re planning on launching your own business, you...
The book of Nehemiah is Narrative History. Nehemiah authored it at about 430 B.C. Key personalities include Nehemiah, Ezra, Sanballat, and Tobiah. Nehemiah wrote it to records the events of returning...
Het Israëlisch-Palestijnse conflict door de ogen van David Grossman.'De prijs die we betalen' schetst in elf korte essays de (voor)geschiedenis van 7 oktober als een serie van desastreuze beslissingen...
Lafði Mablethorpe stendur ekki á sama þegar einkasonur hennar, Adrian, fellur fyrir hinni umdeildu Deborah Grantham. Til að koma vitinu fyrir son sinn, leitar hún á náðir frænda síns, Max Ravenscar, sem...
Tonino ha perso il cappello! Che sbadato, la sua mamma lo chiama addirittura "sognatore". Serve l'aiuto di Pimpa: con un po' di plastilina e tanti pastelli colorati, il gioco è fatto. Un altro capitolo...
The book of Ezekiel is Narrative History, Prophetic and Apocalyptic in genre and even contains Parables. The prophet Ezekiel wrote it approximately 571 B.C. (this date is accurately precise because this...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Fatigue you can’t shake isn’t a sign of aging or being...
Quando le uova della signora Gallina si schiudono, tra i pulcini c'è anche un anatroccolo! La Pimpa decide allora di aiutarlo a trovare la sua mamma, ma le anatre sono già tutte partite per l'Africa....
Questa è una storia di paura diversa da tutte le altre. Certo, racconta di un personaggio notoriamente di paura, il lupo cattivo, ma attenzione: tutti conoscono il lupo cattivo delle favole, ma chi sa...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The city of Peru-nefer, in the Nile delta of Lower Egypt,...
""I will not marry a man I do not love!" When Lady Verena’s widowed father suddenly remarries, she finds that her stepmother is anxious to make a match of convenience for her new stepdaughter and produces...
The book of Hosea is a Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. Hosea is the first book in the sections of Minor Prophets. They are called Minor Prophets not because their material is less important or...
Finalmente sono cominciate le vacanze di Natale! Pimpa e Armando partono per la montagna. Il sole è alto nel cielo: Pimpa decide di fare una passeggiata nel bosco innevato e incontra Max, un pupazzo di...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 Africa is a vast, ancient continent with endless plains...
Þrátt fyrir að njóta mikillar kvenhylli hefur Sir Gareth Ludlow sýnt ástarmálum lítinn áhuga eftir skyndilegan missi eiginkonu sinnar sjö árum áður. Það kemur því öllum í opna skjöldu er hann hyggst biðja...
The book of Hebrews is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It was written mainly to the Hebrew believers. The author is anonymous, although either Paul or Barnabas was traditionally accepted as the...
'In het ziekenhuisbed lag een invalide, met versplinterde onderbenen. Wie heeft hem zo ver opgelapt? Wie kan tegenwoordig een lamme weer laten lopen?'Stan is een ambitieuze strafrechtadvocaat bij kantoor...
Pimpa visita il museo e fa amicizia con un mammut dipinto che la invita a entrare nel suo quadro. Inizia così uno straordinario viaggio nella preistoria dove Pimpa conoscerà Pepita, una piccola dinosaura...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The desire for a safe zone is what drives humans to pair...
Quando è il momento di aprire le ali e spiccare il volo? Doremì è un uccellino e in quanto tale dovrebbe saperlo bene, eppure non ha idea di come riuscire a volare. In compenso vede tutti i suoi coetanei,...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 I had a haircut at school, after which my father began...
"Martina knew that Sir Hugh Faversham adored her. She was uncertain how she felt about him, but she knew she could always turn to him for help. So when her friend, Harriet, begged her for help to avoid...
È tornato Giulio Coniglio e con lui ci sono tutti i suoi amici! Il coniglietto dalle orecchie morbidissime è pronto a tuffarsi in mille nuove avventure in compagnia del topo Tommaso, l’istrice Ignazio,...
The book of Haggai is Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Haggai wrote it approximately 520 B.C. Haggai is among the most carefully and precisely dated books in the entire Bible. It is...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insight: #1 I would like to thank my friends and family for their support...
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