Pantalla :
Quattro racconti – introvabili da tempo in Italia e mai raccolti insieme – caratterizzati da un preciso senso dell’avventura e da un graffiante umorismo venato di aspetti satirici. Uno dei lati meno noti...
Relaxation at work is the most effective tool to decrease tension and maintain productivity while preventing stress from taking its toll, health- and environment-wise. While it may not be possible to...
Man against nature, Leiningen against ants. Leiningen, an owner of a plantation, gets one day warned that an army of ants is approaching his fields and that it would be smartest to leave. Leiningen is...
Buckle up for another unforgettable adventure with brave boy Will, his chatty bear Randolph, and their trusty upside-down bird!When Captain Halibut's pirate ship gets the heroes tangled in sticky situations...
Throughout Leviticus, Israel remains encamped at Mount Sinai while God appears in the Tent of Meeting, dictating to Moses his specifications regarding the Jewish ceremonial laws. The laws are extremely...
Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the ride of a lifetime!In the Mantlepiece Kingdom, King Smidgen sets up an exciting toy car race to settle who's the fastest.There's Edison - the electric whizz,...
Comment réagir à l'apparition d'un jeune dieu comme Mozart quand on est compositeur viennois déjà établi, son aîné, et son maître ? Alexandre Pouchkine met en scène fascination, rancoeur et désespoir...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book...
The book of Philemon is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison), which Paul wrote circa 61 A.D. The key personalities of Philemon are Paul, Philemon, and Onesimus. It was written to Philemon...
Dive into this electrifying tail-wagging tale filled with magic, mystery, and the timeless bond between man's best friend... and mankind!When an ordinary dog named Faraday vanishes from a science experiment,...
Alexandre Dumas père est un auteur au succès immense. On lui doit la trilogie des Trois Mousquetaires, la figure de proue du roman de cape et d'épée. Comme dans le Comte de Monte-Cristo, la Reine Margot,...
Trouvez la paix intérieure grâce à une musique de méditation qui vous conduit au zen. Bols chantants, tonalités douces et musique relaxante vous aident à vous détendre complètement. Respirez profondément...
Caligula : tyran épouvantable et énigme irrésolue. Après un début de règne prospère et paisible, cet Empereur fut pris d'un revirement soudain, pour se montrer d'une cruauté allant jusqu'au sadisme. Il...
The book of Obadiah is a book of Prophetic Oracles. The prophet Obadiah wrote it. Its authorship is difficult to date but was possibly written about 853-841 B.C. or 605-586 B.C. The key personalities...
Promenez-vous dans un village italien. Vous commencerez par un restaurant, où vous pourrez prendre un petit rafraîchissement. Vous visiterez ensuite une église pendant l'office. Vous quitterez l'église...
Néron : l'excellence de ses conseillers (Sénèque et Tacite) n'a pas suffi à empêcher l'émergence d'un empereur fou, criminel et pervers. Il fit assassiner sa propre mère, et causa la mort de sa femme...
Détendez-vous avec les bruits de la nature ! Mettez vos palmes et votre masque à oxygène, plongez dans la mer et appréciez de vous laisser porter sous l'eau à un rythme tranquille. Les dauphins joueurs...
Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, ou Lao Tseu) est l'auteur du Tao Te Ching (Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu). C'est à lui qu'on doit le sens des équilibres yin et yang, le principe du non-agir, et l'idée du Tao,...
The book of 1st Peter is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It was written to all believers in general. The author is Peter who wrote it about 60 A.D. The key personalities are the Apostle Peter, Silas,...
The book of Song of Solomon is a large love poem filled with smaller poems of different kinds. Solomon is the author and he wrote it sometime during his reign 970-930 B.C. It is a story of a bridegroom...
One missing person. Endless buried secrets... When a man vanishes after embezzling funds for a secret rendezvous in Berlin, Ravn is drawn into a chilling investigation by the man's sister, Louise. The...
Sposarsi le era sembrato la salvezza. Era stato il suo sogno, il suo desiderio più grande sin da quando i suoi occhi avevano incrociato quelli di Onorato. E invece Denza vedrà che molto spesso la vita...
The genre of the book of Daniel is Narrative History, Prophetic Oracle, and it includes Apocalyptic material. The prophet Daniel wrote it around 530 B.C. and his writings records the events of the Babylonian...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The author’s personal and professional journey leads him...
Ímyndaðu þér skíðaferð í undurfallegum vetri. Það heyrist marr í snjónum undir stígvélunum þínum, skíðin renna taktfast í gegnum snjóinn og þú finnur nánast fyrir fersku köldu loftinu á kinnunum. Snjóþung...
Dopo la morte del fratello, Demetrio Pianelli, un onesto impiegato di città, si ritroverà a dover prendersi a carico la famiglia del fratello. Da lui si trasferiranno quindi i nipoti e Beatrice, sua cognata,...
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The past is ignored in the peace process between Israel...
Hlýlegasti hljóðheimurinn. Ímyndaðu þér að þú sért heima. Glugginn er opinn og það er dálítil rigning úti. Nágranni þinn er að æfa sig á píanó og tónarnir flæða inn í herbergið þitt. Þú býrð til heitan...
Pimpa, invitata dal suo amico Gian-Gin, un cagnolino pechinese, parte per l’affascinante Cina antica a bordo di una giunca volante. Al suo arrivo, la aspetta Baobao, un panda molto simpatico che la accompagna...
The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). It was written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A.D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A.D. This quite possibly could...
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