Pantalla :
Добро пожаловать в мир бизнес-идей, где мечты превращаются в реальность! Внимание, предприниматели и творческие умы, сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами уникальными идеями, способных потрясти рынок и принести...
«Когда я итожу то, что прожил…»Это начало известной поэмы Владимира Маяковского. Каждому человеку хочется когда-нибудь что-то написать. Одни ведут дневники, другие пишут романы, третьи слагают песни....
Solis lives with his wise grandmother in an intimate connection with all animals and plants. He learns everything about the world from her, for example, what is the evening of the year? And what does...
Само словосочетание "Серебряный век" ассоциируется в нашем сознании с чем-то возвышенным и прекрасным. Именно такова поэзия этого периода: музыкальная, деликатная, словно воздушное кружево.В настоящий...
От Пушкина и Лермонтова до Ахматовой и и Есенина: лучшие произведения русской любовной лирики XIX – нач. XX вв.Книга будет интересна как любителям русской поэзии, так и изучающим русский язык (средний...
Sergey Stepanov's book "Sacrificial Exaltation" reflects the quest of the individual in such a beautiful and sometimes cruel world, the struggle of light and darkness in the soul and on the border of...
"Eras and swarms" – in this piercing book by Sergey Stepanov, the human personality gains height, asserts itself as a personal will. Poems become hymns to overcome all vain. Phenomenon and things that...
"No Words" – in this book by Sergey Stepanov the poetic speech personifies the tuning fork of the "moral imperative". The high spiritual principle opposes the realization of the futility of Being. All...
Tops of the Russian poetry. "The Lightning Strikes in Eyes" by Sergey Stepanov – lightning poetic insights in this book for its beneficial light is extracted to life sprouts of spirituality and bring...
Tops of the Russian poetry. Forever In Verse by Sergey Stepanov – Russian poet and his book filled with explosive force. Composition that is excellent! Joy that is excellent! Excellent spirit! Sounds...
"On the Way to Paradise" – this colorful book by Sergey Stepanov fully reflects the bold and deep poetic gift of the author. The lyrical hero of Sergey Stepanov's poetry is fascinated by the search for...
Книга "Азияма" Сергея Степанова – азартное чтение для вдумчивых и доподлинно знающих жизнь! Автор выносит на суд поклонников поэзии около шестисот своих стихотворений. Стихи Сергея Степанова побуждают...
"The Copulation of Words" is a book by Sergey Stepanov, bewitching with its poetic power. Sensual and piercing metaphors demonstrate the magical influence of the word. The poetry of Sergey Stepanov creates...
Composition that is excellent! Joy that is excellent! Excellent spirit!.. Sounds in center! Mister Stepanov - the renowned poet in their own nation. It's a sizable honor for his writing that is imaginative....
Great poetry! Great happiness! Great soul!.. Sounds and resounds in heart!Mr. Sergey Stepanov – the famous poet in his own country. It has a large award for his creative writing. Readers named him the...
Great poetry! Great happiness! Great soul!.. Sounds and resounds in heart!Mr. Sergey Stepanov - the famous poet in his own country. It has a large award for his creative writing. Readers named him the...
"Про синь" – книга Сергея Степанова о надеждах, исканиях и разочарованиях личности в бушующем и бездушном мире. Стихи и книги Сергея Степанова – яркая, звонкая и лиричная поэзия в нынешнюю эпоху, пожалуй,...
Tops of the Russian poetry. The Silver River by Sergey Stepanov – freestyle as the river book of Russian poet! Composition that is excellent! Joy that is excellent! Excellent spirit! Sounds in center!..Sergey...
Mr. Sergey Stepanov - the famous poet in his own country (Kyrgyzstan). It has a large reward for his creative writing. Readers named it the best poet of the country in 2011. In the book "Apple Sunset"...
Строки Степанова подобны музыке сфер, проникающей в самые глубины человеческого восприятия. Ярко звучат ноты надежды и отчаяния, света и тьмы, создавая сложный гармонический композит, который побуждает...
"Dancing in the Wreath" is a book by Sergey Stepanov about the lived and felt, states that like flashes illuminate everything that is near. The poet seeks to understand the world, fractured by a rebellious...
Что жизнь? Что смерть?.. Перед кем не стоят эти вечные вопросы. В своей книге стихотворений "Божественная смерть" Сергей Степанов обращается к ним с позиции лирика, который всматривается и вслушивается...
"Awe of the Wind" is a book by Sergey Stepanov about the eternal circle of life and death, the inseparable connection between soul and body, spirit and matter, earth and sky. It embodies a special kind...
"A Traveling Mood" – in this book by Sergey Stepanov the original and heartfelt lyrics carry the reader from the first pages. Metaphorical poetry of Sergey Stepanov makes his work bright and unique. At...
"I am yours all!" – in this book by Sergey Stepanov the traditions of Russian classical poetry are closely intertwined with the author's innovations. Actual and sharp look of the poet on the modern world....
Tops of the Russian poetry. "My Star Will Ascend" by Sergey Stepanov, Russian poet. Composition that is excellent! Joy that is excellent! Excellent spirit!.. Sounds in center!Sergey Stepanov – the renowned...
Mr. Sergey Stepanov - the famous poet in his own country (Kyrgyzstan). It has a large reward for his creative writing. Readers named it the best poet of the country in 2011. In the book "Man of the Sky"...
Этот сборник содержит 63 стихотворения автора на русском и английском языках (2-е двуязычное издание серии " Миражи и Реальность"). Из них 55 написаны в стиле хайку и 8 – в стиле танка. Стихи нетрадиционны...
Эта книга стихов на русском и английском языках (двуязычное издание) посвящена знаменитым поэтам периода расцвета русской поэзии первой половины 20-го века, известного как «Серебряный век»:Сергею Есенину,...
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