Jodi Taylor is the internationally bestselling author of over twenty-five novels and more short stories that you can shake a stick at.
Her Chronicles of St Mary's series follows a bunch of disaster-prone individuals who investigate major historical events in contemporary time. Do NOT call it time travel!
She is also the author of the Time Police books. Set in the same world as St Mary's, this spinoff charts the highs and lows of an all-powerful, international organisation tasked with keeping the Timeline straight no matter what the cost. Efficient and disciplined, obviously they're nothing like St Mary's. Except when they are.
In 2024, The Ballad of Smallhope and Pennyroyal accidentally grew from a short story to a full-length novel, revealing the origin story of two beloved characters who feature in both series.
Jodi is also known for her gripping supernatural thrillers featuring the mysterious Elizabeth Cage together with the enchanting Frogmorton Farm series - a fairy story for adults.
Born in Bristol and now living in Gloucester (facts both cities vigorously deny), she spent many years with her head somewhere else, much to the dismay of family, teachers and employers, before finally deciding to put all that daydreaming to good use and write a book.
À l'institut St Mary, les historiens n'étudient pas seulement le passé, ils le visitent.
La jeune historienne docteur Madeleine Maxwell et son équipe ont finalement récupéré de leurs blessures et la vie reprend tranquillement son cours à l'institut... jusqu'aux prochaines catastrophes.
Prise au piège dans le grand incendie de Londres, puis piégée aux Thermopyles, Max doit lutter pour remettre l'Histoire sur les rails. Et éviter de voir le monde occidental bouleversé.
Mais il va d'abord falloir passer la " fête de St Mary ", qui promet de très mal finir pour tout le monde.
Une seule chose est certaine, rien n'est jamais " tranquille " à St Mary !
Title : Les Chroniques de St Mary - Tome 05 Hier ou jamais
EAN : 9782357205116
Publisher : HC éditions
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