In the heart of the vibrant town of Sunnyville, there lived three extraordinary children, each with a dream to make the world a better place. First, there was Alex, a curious and inventive boy with a knack for solving puzzles and fixing things that were broken. His eyes sparkled with the spirit of discovery, and his pockets were always filled with tools and gadgets.
Next, we met Jamie, whose imagination knew no bounds. With a canvas and paint, Jamie could turn a dull room into a masterpiece of colors and stories. Jamie's creativity wasn't just in art; it spilled over into thinking of fun, new ways to do everyday things, making even the mundane magical.
Lastly, there was Casey, a natural-born leader with a heart full of courage and a mind full of plans. Casey could see the big picture and had the unique ability to bring people together, making sure everyone's voice was heard and valued.
These three friends, each different but united by a shared vision, were known in Sunnyville for their adventurous spirits and their willingness to lend a hand. Little did they know, their biggest adventure was just around the corner, one that would turn their dreams into reality and teach them the true meaning of entrepreneurship.
Title : Entrepreneurs, Journey to Business Bay
EAN : 9798227301376
Publisher : Hesham Ghonaim
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