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Abdullah Alhazmi - Libros y biografía

Name:Abdullah Masoud Al-Hazmi Nickname: Abu Nebras Location: Yanbu Industrial City, Saudi Arabia About the Author Abdullah Masoud Al-Hazmi, a Saudi writer from Yanbu Industrial City . He previously worked as a computer science teacher at the Royal Commission in Yanbu Industrial City, where he gained extensive expertise in technology and education. His creative literary style blends imagination with reality, inspiring readers with stories full of hope, love, and adventure. Through his works, he aims to highlight human values and craft inspiring, forward-looking narratives. Literary Works 1. Light Among the Clouds: A novel that narrates stories of hope, love, and a brighter future. 2. When the Flowers Bloomed: An emotional novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through intertwined feelings and adventures. 3. Interconnected Worlds: A story that combines virtual reality with real-world adventures in an engaging framework. 4. When the Moon Fades: A mysterious novel exploring shared dreams and strange phenomena in an enigmatic town. 5. The Digital City: An innovative novel about a brave young girl embarking on adventures between the real and virtual worlds to uncover the secrets of a mysterious technology threatening her city. Literary Vision Abdullah strives to create a reading experience that combines enjoyment and inspiration, focusing on human values and exploring deep connections between characters and their surroundings.

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الهروب من المتاهة: فن إعادة برمجة حياتك قبل فوات الأوان
هل سبق لك أن شعرت بأنك عالق في دائرة مغلقة، تسير في نفس المسارات المتكررة، بينما يمر الوقت دون أن تحقق التغيير الذي تسعى إليه؟ هل تساءلت يومًا لماذا تجد نفسك تتخذ نفس القرارات التي تقودك إلى نفس النتائج، رغم أنك تدرك أنك بحاجة إلى تغيير جذري؟"الهروب من المتاهة: فن إعادة برمجة حياتك... Más información

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