Ver todos los libros de Adam L. Penenberg

Adam L. Penenberg - Libros y biografía

Adam L. Penenberg is a journalism professor at New York University who has written for Fast CompanyForbes, the New York Times, the Washington PostWiredSlatePlayboy, and the Economist. A former senior editor at Forbes and a reporter for, Penenberg garnered national attention in 1998 for unmasking serial fabricator Stephen Glass of the New Republic. Penenberg's story was a watershed for online investigative journalism and portrayed in the film Shattered Glass (Steve Zahn plays Penenberg).

Penenberg has published several books that have been optioned for film and serialized in the New York Times MagazineWired UK, and the Financial Times, and won a Deadline Club Award for feature reporting for his Fast Company story "Revenge of the Nerds," which looked at the future of movie-making. He has appeared on NBC's The Today Show as well as on CNN and all the major news networks, and has been quoted about media and technology in the Washington Post, the Christian Science MonitorUSA TodayWired NewsAd AgeMarketwatchPolitico, and many others.

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Play at Work

Publicado el 3 de octubre de 2013
3,99 €
IVA incluido
Once thought to be nothing more than diversions for children and nerds, games have become an integral part of everyday life. Educators are trying to make learning more fun by introducing games into the classroom while cutting-edge managers are doing the same in the workplace. Doctors,... Más información

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