Adrienne Yabouza was born in Central African Republic in 1965. After fleeing the civil war with her five children in 2013, she gained political asylum in France. She is self-educated, and did a variety of jobs before working as a hairdresser for many years. She now dedicates herself to writing fiction for adults and children, in Sango, Yakoma, Lingala and French. Co-épouses, co-veuves was published in Mali in 2016 and is her second novel for adults to be published in French.
Rien n'était déjà très reluisant dans la République des Murmures, mais cette fois c'est du pire tout pire, du sauve qui peut, parce que vraiment rien ne va plus : les rebelles sont là ! Le président M'Mollot M'Mollot doit faire sa valise avant d'être exfiltré vers ses comptes en...
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