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Al Ries - Libros y biografía

Al Ries and his daughter and business partner Laura Ries are two of the world's best-known marketing consultants, and their firm, Ries & Ries, works with many Fortune 500 companies. They are the authors of The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding and The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR, which was a Wall Street Journal and a BusinessWeek bestseller, and, most recently, The Origin of Brands. Al was recently named one of the Top 10 Business Gurus by the Marketing Executives Networking Group. Laura is a frequent television commentator and has appeared on the Fox News and Fox Business Channels, CNN, CNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, and others. Their Web site ( has some simple tests that will help you determine whether you are a left brainer or a right brainer.

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As Leis do Marketing

De Al Ries
Publicado el 18 de abril de 2024
11,99 €
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O BESTSELLER CLÁSSICO COM MILHARES DE LEITORES EM TODO O MUNDO, RESULTADOS COMPROVADOS E IDEIAS QUE RESISTIRAM AO TESTE DO TEMPO. «Um dos 5 livros que toda a gente devia ler. Recomendo-o a todos os gestores e a qualquer pessoa que queira começar um negócio. Tem informação imensamente... Más información

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