Pantalla :
In diesem Buch finden Sie ausschließlich wissenschaftlich geprüfte und bestätigte Fakten aus der Schatzkammer der Natur, die eindeutig besagen, dass natürliche Heilmittel besser als Chemotherapie, Bestrahlung...
Pourquoi les vendeurs ne vendent pas ? Et pourquoi les prospects n'écoutent pas ?On offre de super produits aux prospects, on dit des choses fantastiques aux gens, on partage notre vision et notre passion...
Vous aimeriez que vos prospects de marketing relationnel vous supplient de leur faire une présentation grâce aux Brise-Glaces ?Vous pouvez transformer n'importe quel prospect (marché chaud ou froid) en...
Die Stärke Ihres Network-Marketing-Geschäfts wird anhand der Zahl der FührungsPersönlichkeiten gemessen, nicht anhand der Zahl der Vertriebspartner. Führungspersönlichkeiten sind die langfristige Grundlage...
Quer que seus clientes em potencial, de Marketing Multinível (MMN) e marketing de rede, implorem por uma demonstração, usando Quebra-Gelos?Você pode transformar qualquer cliente em potencial indiferente...
Want to get your MLM and network marketing prospects to beg you for a presentation by using Ice Breakers?You can turn any warm or cold prospect into a hot prospect, wanting to know all about your business.How?By...
No one is a "natural-born leader."Babies aren't given a manual on how to be a leader. Leadership is learned from others.So how will we teach eager distributors to become leaders?By showing, participating,...
Start your network marketing prospecting and presentations with first sentences that work.Your network marketing prospects pre-judge you, so manage that judgment in your favor.For many distributors, the...
Why can’t salesmen sell? And why won’t prospects listen?We offer great products to prospects. We say great things to people. We share our vision and passion with others.And they don’t buy, they don’t...
Are you looking for prospects for your MLM, network marketing, or any business?Would you like a presentation that rises way above the competition?Want to know what really motivates prospects to act?These...
Es geht nicht um die Präsentation. Es geht nicht um den Preis. Es geht auch nicht darum, wie der Atem des Verkäufers riecht.Es geht ausschließlich um die magischen ersten Sekunden, wenn ein Verkäufer...
Les leaders sont la clé.La force de votre entreprise de marketing de réseau se mesure en « leaders » - et non en quantité de distributeurs. Les leaders garantissent des fondations durables à votre entreprise.Tous...
Aufgrund der Krebserkrankung meines Mannes und die damit verbundene Genesung habe ich mich entschlossen, dieses Buch zu schreiben. Für meinen Mann war sofort nach der Diagnose Krebs klar, dass er keine...
Entre une plume et un stylo j'utilise les réseaux pour voler encore plus haut ... Venez découvrir mes amours, mes passions, mais aussi mes déceptions... Un moment de partage qui convainc à tout âge !
This is a true story of events. The palm tree in the house is an integral part of the Qatari culture. Our childhood is associated with it and its gifts. Follow the life of my palm tree as it mirrors...
Women's contributions to Arabic and Islamic society, be they cultural, religious, medical or military, have been recorded by Muslim historians throughout the ages. No biographical dictionary of any worth...
Ibrahim, a freelance journalist from Arabia, has always been deeply aware of his rich Arabian heritage and history but has become disillusioned and disheartened by the seemingly incessant onslaught of...
This book explores the determinants of Iran's foreign policy towards its GCC neighboring countries. She considers the dimensions of internal and external, as well as identity and nationalism. AL-Saad...
Korea's largest island, Jeju forms a roughly oval shape stretching 75 kilometers from east to west and 41kilometers, at its widest, from north to south. It is located off the southernmost coast of Korea,...
Four kilometers wide and stretching 250 km from the East Sea to the West Sea, the Korean Demilitarized Zone divides the Korean Peninsula roughly in half, with the Republic of Korea to the south and the...
In The True Message of Jesus Christ, Dr. Bilal Philips claims that Jesus Christ was merely a prophet of Allah who reaffirmed the central message that was later revealed to Muhammad. Dr. Philips argues...
The IT4IT Management Guide provides guidance on how the IT4IT Reference Architecture can be used within an IT organization to manage the business of IT. It is designed to provide a guide to business managers,...
This edition of the Fables and Parables has been reset from the original book from 1846 which was published by James Burns in London.The original spelling and grammar have been intentionally retained...
The Travellers Tale, comprises a small collection of short stories about Egypt, written during during Shaneela Rowah Al-Qamar's time living there. She was based in the 'Jewel of the Mediterranean', the...
Edited by Harvey Stanbrough. This collection is to honor the memory of SF Grand Master Jack Williamson, whose career spanned just under eight centuries. Humanoid, android, terraforming, Prime Directive,...
What should a new distributor do first?So much for the new distributor to learn, only part-time hours, but they need to build quickly. MLM is different than a regular job. Every new person in your business...
In network marketing, the easiest and most comfortable way to prospect, sell and sponsor, is with ... a story. Facts are boring. Everyone represents a company with great facts. Our prospects have heard...
Do you want to be a leader? Or, do you want more leaders on your network marketing team?The strength of your network marketing business is measured in leaders - not in the number of distributors. Leaders...
Music has played and continues to play a vital role in Korean society, providing a rich vein of material as a dynamic part of the nation's culture. Korean music's history reflects active engagement with...
Korean painting reveals a connectivity with nature that parallels the Korean traditional world view. Living in a dramatic landscape of rugged peaks, deep valleys and broad rivers, Koreans have long held...
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