Pantalla :
This 365-day devotional contains a brief message, an inspirational scripture and a prayer for each day of the year. With contributions from all the members of the family, from patriarch Will and his wife...
The day had gone badly: Celtic had just lost to their Old Firm rivals Rangers in the 1999 Scottish Cup final, and now Alan Stubbs had to provide a sample for a random drugs test. Little did he know, but...
Best friends Matt and Craz couldn't be more different. Matt loves order, while Craz is always scattered and loves to live on the edge. Matt is learning to live with his parents' divorce and deal a distant...
Marking momentous occasions is an important part of everyday life, and what better way to do so than with one of these stunning creations. There is a cake for every occasion: whether you are celebrating...
Features flowers that can be used on a cake or as a decorative arrangement. In this title, the designs include many species of orchid, rhizomes, gingers, heliconias, bird of paradise, bougainvillea and...
"The Sopranos is the one [show] that made the world realize something special was happening on television. It rewrote the rules and made TV a better, happier place for thinking viewers, even as it was...
Le printemps, tu t'dis qu'enfin on va vivre normal, sauf que la sève, ou un truc comme ça, démange où il faut. Et tout le monde — toi pareil — se met à rouler sur les jantes.
'Cosy mystery fans will love this latest delightful installment!' NITA PROSE, bestselling author of THE MAID Flavia de Luce, along with her pestilent younger cousin, investigates the murder of a former...
An insider’s account of the journey to become an ayahuasquero, a shaman who heals with the visionary vine ayahuasca • Details the author’s training and life as a curandero using ayahuasca medicine, San...
America’s favorite hairstyle is back in a big way! Ever since its meteoric rise to superstar status in the 1980s, the mullet has persisted for generations as a cultural touchstone in the hearts and minds...
Few areas of human endeavor have produced more—or more colorful—terms than has the military. Soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen have over centuries come up with words, phrases, and acronyms to express...
Celebrate deliciously and beautifully! Master sugarcraft sculptor Alan Dunn shows how to create festive cakes decorated with cascading, lifelike floral arrangements built from sugarpaste. Make your cakes...
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a national agency dedicated to investigating federal crimes. Founded as a small team of special agents on July 26, 1908, the Bureau was first charged with...
An incendiary work of science journalism debunking the myths that dominate the American diet and showing readers how to stop feeling guilty and start loving their food again—sure to ignite controversy...
Le domaine Philby, c'était la vraie bonne planque, dans mon idée. Seulement je me suis retrouvé en train de convoyer un chargement de Mex frigorifiés à travers les Rockies, avec un Indien fou, une gosse...
Tu courses un époux fuguard, normalement c'est le job tranquille. Sauf quand le gars va se jeter dans une grosse embrouille chez les Mex. Du coup, t'as pas fini de piocher.
« En ce moment, je suis sur le point d’abandonner ma foi et mon engagement envers Christ... J’ai fait tout mon possible pour me rapprocher de Dieu par le biais de méditations quotidiennes de la Bible...
In the theater, reality and make-believe blend so intimately that Tim Briscoe was convinced that he was playing the role of detective when he stumbled upon the lifeless form of Nellie Brant. But the corpse...
Uma história inspiradora sobre o início de uma escola de cães-guia para veteranos cegos durante a I Guerra MundialUm romance fascinante e comovente sobre heroísmo e resiliência durante a Primeira Guerra...
The Gulp (Tales From The Gulp #1) Strange things happen in The Gulp. The residents have grown used to it. The isolated Australian harbour town of Gulpepper is not like other places. Some maps don't even...
The goal of The Ten Big Anti-Israel Lies: And How to Refute Them with Truth is to contribute to the marketplace if ideas by offering truthful and well-documented facts that disprove the defamatory fictions—the...
On the evening of 17 October 1678 the body of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey, a Westminster Justice of the Peace, was discovered in a ditch near Primrose Hill. He had been pierced with his own sword and apparently...
Best-seller do The New York Times, do mesmo autor de Do Inferno, Watchmen e V de Vingança. Saudado como uma das obras mais importantes da literatura inglesa contemporânea, Jerusalém fez Alan Moore ser...
Uma bibliotecária americana e um livreiro português, juntos numa missão perigosa.Inspirado em histórias verídicas de bibliotecários espiões na Segunda Guerra Mundial, o novo livro do autor de Um Longo...
Segunda edição revista, com prefácio de Neil Gaiman e nova capa pela Casa Rex. O primeiro romance do mestre dos quadrinhos Alan Moore ( Jerusalém , Do Inferno , Watchmen , V de Vingança ...), A Voz do...
Bengo is the best player Smithy's ever seen, so why is he always left on the bench? An action-packed football story accompanied by fascinating facts and historical detail about famous substitutes....
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