Pantalla :
Staffordshire Murders brings together murderous tales that shocked not only the county but made headline news throughout the nation. They include the poisonous Dr Palmer, murder on the canal, a tale of...
'The Adventures of Wendy Howard-Watts is a fictitious - but emotionally, politically and hilariously REAL - take on a famous broadsheet's professional interviewer. The protagonist's own take on the worlds...
A collection of moving, witty and passionate poems about love, loss and landscape, about men and women struggling to find meaning in a land reeling from urbanisation. Here too are beautifully crafted...
A comic novel written in the 1st person by a GP recovering from forms, not just drink and drugs but the lethal lures of gambling, power, lust and love.
This is the true tale of a boy born into a typical East End family in the Second World War, beginning with his early memories of hop picking and having little money, and moving on to his life in the 1950s...
Famous for having found the great missionary and explorer Dr David Livingstone on the shores of Lake Tanganyika and immortalised as the utterer of perhaps the four most often quoted words of greeting...
A diary kept by journalist Alan Mackie in Cairo in 1973 during the 7 Day War with Israel and the effect it has had on present Egyptian politics and attitudes to the West.
One of the crucial factors which kept Tommy going on the Western Front was his facility to see what was comic in the horror, deprivation and discomfort of trench warfare, an attitude which blossomed further...
Born the child of an agricultural labourer in Dorset's Blackmore Vale, by self-education William Barnes (1801-1886) rose to be a lawyer's clerk, a schoolmaster, a much-loved clergyman, and a scholar who...
Questa raccolta di racconti narra della miseria umana caratteriale e mentale in cui viviamo. Le storie, pur svolgendosi in Cina, Thailandia o in una piccola frazione italiana, potrebbero benissimo svolgersi...
SERIE THRILLER DI JASON SCARSDALE (VOL. 1) Il suo obiettivo è risolvere gli omicidi, fino a che non accade l’impensabile... Rimasto vedovo di recente, il detective Jason Scarsdale del dipartimento di...
La dama de la furgoneta és una història real i commovedora. Durant els anys 70 i 80, al costat de la casa de Camden de l'escriptor Alan Bennett, hi vivia una vella dama amb la seva furgoneta. Després...
Januar 1973: Mitten in Glasgow erschießt am helllichten Tag ein Jugendlicher auf offener Straße eine junge Frau, bevor er sich selbst eine Kugel in den Kopf jagt. Detective Harry McCoy, dem der Mord am...
Brainstorming is the act of stimulating creative thinking and developing new ideas. 21 BRAINSTORMING TECHNIQUES THAT WORK will provide direction, focus and the process to creative solutions. These techniques...
Grans personalitats de la ciutat de Glasgow mortes de la manera més brutal i, com a única pista, una paraula gravada als seus pits sense vida. Bandes rivals que lluiten per aconseguir el control del submon...
These tales tell about human character and mental misery in which we are living. The stories take place in China, Thailand, Russia or a small Italian town, but they could take place in every single place...
Il est hanté par le souvenir d'une affaire d'enlèvement qui a mal tourné... Voulant éviter que l'histoire ne se répète, l’inspecteur Matt Brady se démène pour résoudre les disparitions de sept jeunes...
Seu objetivo era solucionar assassinatos - até que o impensável acontecesse... Recentemente viúvo, o investigador da Polícia de Austin Jason Scarsdale trabalha para solucionar o assassinato de dois pedófilos,...
Séduisante, indépendante et volontaire, Marian enchaîne les aventures sans lendemains. Hostile à l’amour qui étouffe, elle pense maîtriser parfaitement son existence. Mais sait-elle vraiment qui elle...
Engage your brain with a suspenseful thriller and compelling story with incredible twists. Find out what happens if chaos takes over the world. What would you do if your life took a sudden turn for worse?...
What happened, Miss Simone? è la storia di una bambina nera del Sud che inseguì un talento prodigioso e divenne Nina Simone; di Nina Simone imprevedibile e tormentata, che attraversò il proprio tempo...
Un testo autorevole e affascinante, pietra miliare degli studi del settore finalmente tradotto in italiano, che ripercorre i rapporti tra omosessualità e teatro da Oscar Wilde ai giorni nostri.Alan Sinfield...
Perché siamo più produttivi quando abbiamo molto da fare mentre nei momenti di relax ci pare di non riuscire a combinare niente? Perché ci sembra che la nostra prima storia d’amore sia durata molto più...
La solitudine del maratoneta, che minimum fax ripubblica a sessant'anni dalla sua prima uscita, deve la sua fama a una suggestiva trasposizione cinematografica di Tony Richardson, ma soprattutto allo...
"Shingles Relief!" presents a broader spectrum of science-based remediation and disease management solutions for Shingles and PHN (postherpetic neuralgia) sufferers. The book does not attempt to rehash...
On an island ruled by women, the freedom-loving Mario sets in motion a plan to overthrow the matriarchal government. The revolution he starts may cost him everything he cares about, including a life with...
On an island ruled by women, young men must duel each other with stun swords to impress young ladies and attract romantic interest.Dario, a boy yearning for freedom and equality, is selected to duel in...
Kidnapped at gunpoint by a German unit from his village in the heart of Transylvania, a devout teenager is starving to death in a POW camp. The only way out is to join a Romanian Waffen-SS unit. As the...
Exciting experiences , breakthroughs , special testimonies are what we all like to hear but really want to experience for ourselves . The writer displays a gallery of testimonies to inspire and also reveal...
Cette nouvelle édition est l'occasion de goûter à l'un des romans graphiques les plus majestueux jamais réalisés. Plongez dans cette enquête scénarisée par Alan Moore et illustrée par Eddie Campbell....
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