Alden Mills is on a mission to help 100 million people Be Unstoppable. He is a three-time bestselling author, the Inc. 500 CEO of Perfect Fitness, and the founder of multiple businesses. Throughout his time as a businessman founding and leading multiple companies, he has been awarded over 40 patents. A former Navy SEAL, he is a three-time platoon commander and ranked #1 platoon commander each time. Alden teaches people, teams, and organizations to Be Unstoppable. Entrepreneur magazine recently ranked him the #1 top virtual speaker.
Alden Mills, que en su juventud superó el asma para convertirse en remero y soldado de élite, narra la historia de un joven capitán de barco que ha de enfrentarse por primera vez a los obstáculos de alta mar, tarea que se le antoja imposible hasta que aparece en su vida un experimentado...
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