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Alexander Pope - Libros y biografía

Alexander Pope was born on 21st May 1688.He was brought up a Roman Catholic at a time where the laws of England were prejudicial towards Catholics. He suffered tuberculosis as a child and was crippled by it. He never grew taller than 4'6". He first published The Rape of the Lock when he was twenty-three years old in 1712. He later added to it in 1714 and 1717. It was written to reconcile two families who had fallen out over a similar incident where a young Lord Petre had cut off a lock of hair from Arabella Fermor's head. Pope went on to translate the works of Homer and produce The Dunciad and An Essay on Man. Pope died on 30th May 1744.

Letras Universales

Harvard Classics

Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores


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Ensayo sobre el hombre y otros escritos

Publicado el 15 de junio de 2017
14,49 €
IVA incluido
Chesterton llamó a Alexander Pope el último poeta de la civilización. Marcado por la deformidad corporal y las enfermedades, que suplió con la excelencia del ingenio y el cultivo de la amistad, Pope encontró en la imitación y la sátira una forma de expresión que no ha sido superada... Más información

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