Alexandra Sirowy is the author of The Creeping and The Telling. She was born and raised in Northern California, where she attended a women’s college as an undergraduate and received her MA at the University of San Francisco. She is a voracious reader, the oldest of three children, an avid traveler, a record-holding high school long jumper, a gourmet cook, a feminist, and forever grateful to her parents for reading to her as a child. Alexandra lives in Northern California with her husband.
Chercher la vérité c'est plonger dans l'inconnu...
Au début de l'été, Ben, le demi-frère adoré de Lana, disparaît sous ses yeux. Les vacances suivent leur cours, mais les fêtes sur la plage et les premiers émois amoureux sont teintés d'inquiétude. Quand Lana et ses amis trouvent...
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